Trump Rally..

Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:19 pm

Welly wrote:Well you only need to read your own posts to see that they accurately reflect one of America's main problems right now.

That even the self-evident cannot be 'proven' to the willfully ignorant.

Self-evident = your gut feeling. At least in this case. Prove to me that racism is strictly learned. Seriously.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby fiestaware » Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:22 am

This is the worst William F. Buckley impersonation I've ever seen.

Now that was a man who knew how to debate in bad faith. RIP, Bill!
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Sun Aug 20, 2017 4:51 am

I just read five articles that postulated racism was learned. And five that stated racism is innate as well as learned. All backed up by totally conclusive studies, like making little kids draw faces. I sent emails to each publication and told them to drop the whole thing as the answer is self evident.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Dinko » Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:37 am

SamDBL wrote:I just read five articles that postulated racism was learned. And five that stated racism is innate as well as learned.

You spend too much time in car lines.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Mon Aug 21, 2017 5:40 am

Dinko wrote:
SamDBL wrote:I just read five articles that postulated racism was learned. And five that stated racism is innate as well as learned.

You spend too much time in car lines.

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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby the mean » Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:48 am

There is so, so much more at this point, but focusing just on last night's speech:

Trump used the language of white supremacists: “They’re trying to take away our culture. They are trying to take away our history,” and “We will recapture our dynasty.” You may argue that these are general statements, but if you go over to racist websites, I bet they are stoked that the President used their language.

Trump indicated that he would pardon Sheriff Arpaio. Arpaio was found in contempt of court for violating a court order stating that he must stop racially profiling.

He attacked CNN for firing Jeffrey Lord. CNN fired Lord because he tweeted "seig heil" at a critic.


You really have to work hard to argue that he is not pushing a racist agenda at this point. And if you are pushing a racist agenda, you are racist.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:54 am

I think it's safe to say that we will not agree on this. So why keep on about it? I say this after having typed a few paragraphs about the points you just made (for example, the jeffrey lord thing is ludicrous), and then deleting it. It's pointless. I am curious how you reconcile him having a jewish son in law and daughter that he has given both high stature in his cabinet (either officially or implied) with him being a dyed in the wool bigot.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby the mean » Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:05 am

Your last point is an interesting one. Modern American Nazis seem to still hate Jews, but hate Muslims more. This leaves the American white supremacists, like Trump, in a weird position. Their version of white supremacy seems to consider Jews "white", although they pander to the more traditional Jew-hating KKK types. It is an odd mish-mash of bigotry.

We all have that point where someone crosses a line and we think "that dude is a racist". I'm curious where yours is. Does he have to straight up use a racial slur on a podium? Does he need to use the exact "14 words"? Seems like there is just too much to continue to give him a pass at this point.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:08 am

the mean wrote:Your last point is an interesting one. Modern American Nazis seem to still hate Jews, but hate Muslims more. This leaves the American white supremacists, like Trump, in a weird position. Their version of white supremacy seems to consider Jews "white", although they pander to the more traditional Jew-hating KKK types. It is an odd mish-mash of bigotry.

We all have that point where someone crosses a line and we think "that dude is a racist". I'm curious where yours is. Does he have to straight up use a racial slur on a podium? Does he need to use the exact "14 words"? Seems like there is just too much to continue to give him a pass at this point.

These are both interesting to me. As you probably think I'm making excuses the case of him being not racist... I think that first point (Some nazis hate jews, but there is some disparity between *new* nazis, etc) sounds like you are stretching to make that work out of his favor. Nazis hate jews. Full stop. There is no conflict within their 'party'. Whether they value other races (or cultures) less or not is beside the point. If you are a white supremacist, you don't applaud your daughter marrying a jew and then promote them both to high positions in your company.

To the second point, that is indeed the root of my whole question in the first place. Almost every point brought up in this thread can be countered with what I believe is a totally reasonable, plausible explanation that doesn't point to someone being a white supremacist. The Jeffrey Lord thing, for instance. The dude was obviously using that phrase to make fun of what he viewed as fascistic behavior. How is that a sign of him being a white supremacist? That is beyond stretching it. It's a purposeful misrepresentation of fact to suit a cause. And then to apply Trump's hiring of this guy as proof that Trump is racist? WTF? IDGI. And so it goes from there, one after another. I'm not buying it.

So what does it take for me to consider someone racist? That's a very complicated question. I know, when a fact is presented to me, what I *don't* consider to be racist. When someone says that stating radical islamic terrorism is thing that exists is racist, I disagree. Or that referring to black people as 'the blacks' is racist. Then there are things that are obviously racist. Such as the Alt Right movement. Because their founders have stated that in clear terms. Or signs that say 'we will not be replaced with jews'. Etc. Between those two things, there is a lot of gray area.

With someone like Trump, you have to make a lot of assumptions about him to determine one way or another. He has, as they say, lead a very public life. There are plenty of hard, indisputable facts out in plain sight that illustrate what a horrible guy he is. It's totally justifiable, I guess, to say 'well we know he's an asshole on every other level... so I'm going to fill in the blanks on this other stuff and assume he's a bonafide racist as well as chauvinist, etc.' I just don't feel the need to do that. I'm fine with saying that he is a chauvinist, narcissist, anti-intellectual, sexist... and I don't know what else. I'm not sure what would make me determine one way or another, definitively. I guess it would have to be a recording of him saying something indisputably racist (again, we would probably argue what indisputably racist even means, given your answers in this thread). Or many credible witnesses. I mean, why shouldn't we assume this is out there if that's the case? There is certainly enough evidence (including recordings) of him being horrible towards females?

Again, my main point in asking if there was any direct evidence was to see what is considered direct evidence these days. I was wondering if there was anything as damning as the 'grab them by the pussy' audio. There wasn't. That's all. If I had to take an educated guess on his character (which is the best anyone can do with the evidence provided) I'd say his extreme narcissism leads him into some bad decisions. Such as glossing over things like being a member of the Alt Right on your resume (I'm surprised no one brought that up. more damning that just about anything else on here). Or, if pressed against a wall with his own ass on the line, he might fall back on some racist comment (ie. the Mexican judge thing). So my current judgement is really dumb guy that says dumb shit when he thinks it suits his acquisition of power, as well as his sickeningly bloated ego. Perhaps that's enough to be considered racist. Fair enough. But straight up white supremacist? I see no evidence of that. Not by a long shot. I think his detractors (of which I count myself among them) would be well-suited to stick to the facts without a bunch of dot-connecting. There are plenty of them out there that make him completely detestable without making them up.

But, as always, I'd put money on you and I not even agreeing what qualifies as actual racism (do you agree with terms like 'cultural appropriation'? Do you think racial profile ((white people included)) is absolutely never justified and is always racist?). So I don't know the point of further discussion.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby captain2man » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:18 am

Once again, I'll chime in to say that the Judge Curiel comment was actual, bona fide, by-the-book racism.

Because Trump is a dumb asshole, he was too stupid to realize that his own beliefs ARE racist, as were exposed by that statement. I'm sure he actually thinks he's not racist...."I have plenty of black friends"...."I love the Mexicans"....."my son-in-law is Jewish".....but that's because he's a stupid asshole and doesn't even realize what is and is not racist.

When you are dealing with stupid assholes, it's very difficult to get inside their minds, but the Curiel statement was as revealing as you could ever possibly ask for.....and the cumulative effect of quote after quote after quote after quote, along with clear racial discrimination in his business practices, begins to lean me towards the side of thinking he has some very deep-seeded racist beliefs and feelings.

I give the benefit of the doubt to people a little too much sometimes....and if it were the Curiel statement alone and nothing else, I'd probably give him a pass. But at some point, you have to look at the pile and say to yourself, "it's time to see what there is to see."

And, you know what?

It's time to see what there is to see.

By the way - I have no problem with Trump running for president. He's a stupid asshole who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. His whole life has been in service to himself and living in buildings that have his name emblazoned thereon. He was also born with an undeniable charisma (although when this shitstorm of a presidency is over, that may end up being the biggest thing he's lost).

So the fact that a stupid asshole who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room (when, in fact, he's probably the dumbest) and has seen buildings go up with his name on them and gets applause wherever he selectively chooses to go....sure....why not the presidency?

What irks me much more is the fact that people actually supported a stupid asshole and thought it would be a good idea to have a stupid asshole in the last place on Earth a stupid asshole should be.

The fact that people are perfectly fine - and even proud of - their support of an obvious stupid asshole as president boggles my mind and really makes me wonder if we live in a world where people can actually be serious or reflective anymore.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:23 pm

I agree that that comment was racist. The other stuff... I don't know. A lot of it is just pure fantasy. And I am sticking to the fact that his daughter and son in law are Jewish as a point in his favor of just being stupid as opposed to a nazi. Would you classify him as a Nazi/White Supremacist, as Mean does?
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby captain2man » Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:26 pm

SamDBL wrote:I agree that that comment was racist. The other stuff... I don't know. A lot of it is just pure fantasy. So would you classify him as a Nazi/White Supremacist, as Mean does?

I think that's too specific of a classification.

To be a Nazi/White Supremacist, does one have to self-identity that way? If so, then he's certainly not.

Does he inherently share some views that overlap with them, even if he doesn't realize or articulate it? yeah - I think he probably does.

I think someone who is a Nazi/White Supremacist has gone through some logical rationale for their positions (as misguided as they may be).

I don't think Trump thinks about these issues at all, to be honest.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby the mean » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:59 pm

Just to be clear, I am making a distinction between "Nazi" and "American white supremacist". I think Trump is the latter, not the former. The only people I would call "Nazis" are the ones Seig Heiling or wearing Nazi symbols. The two groups have ideologies that overlap quite a bit, though.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:26 pm

captain2man wrote:
SamDBL wrote:I agree that that comment was racist. The other stuff... I don't know. A lot of it is just pure fantasy. So would you classify him as a Nazi/White Supremacist, as Mean does?

I think that's too specific of a classification.

To be a Nazi/White Supremacist, does one have to self-identity that way? If so, then he's certainly not.

Does he inherently share some views that overlap with them, even if he doesn't realize or articulate it? yeah - I think he probably does.

I think someone who is a Nazi/White Supremacist has gone through some logical rationale for their positions (as misguided as they may be).

I don't think Trump thinks about these issues at all, to be honest.

Ok. I agree with this almost 100%. Right down to your wording. You *think* he *probably* does. That is a totally reasonable conclusion. However, when compared to his negative feelings about women, I don't *think* and there's no *probably*. There is clear, perfect evidence. More of a confession, really. I was wondering if there was anything that moves this as clearly from the world of opinion to the realm of fact in the same way. The judge comment is definitive, I agree. But almost everything else brought up can be explained away pretty reasonably without much effort, imo. Certainly more so than a recording of him talking about grabbing women by the pussies because he's rich. I feel totally justified in my opinion that his racism is still in question. I could make an educated guess, I suppose. But I don't see the point. Even though I guess I sort of have in this thread a couple of times.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby JGJR » Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:46 am

the mean wrote:Your last point is an interesting one. Modern American Nazis seem to still hate Jews, but hate Muslims more. This leaves the American white supremacists, like Trump, in a weird position. Their version of white supremacy seems to consider Jews "white", although they pander to the more traditional Jew-hating KKK types. It is an odd mish-mash of bigotry.

I didn't really want to jump into this for a lot of different reasons, but I'll say this much. As a Jew and a naturalized U.S. citizen/former stateless Soviet refugee and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor and also the grandson of several Soviet military officers who fought in WWII against the Nazis, I find few things more utterly terrifying and repulsive than a bunch of white supremacists with torches yelling "Jew will not replace us." They may hate Muslims more these days (remember that some of them are Semites, too), but I find it harder to make the distinction you make (though that distinction is valid) these days.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby the mean » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:21 pm

So today Trump pardoned Arpaio.

Arpaio was sued, civilly, for running racist patrols that detained people for "suspician" that they might be in the US illegally (in other words, if they looked Mexican and didn't have any papers). The court ordered him to stop. He ignored the court and kept doing it. Courts tend to not like that, and he was found in contempt, which can be criminal. He was then convicted.

Trump pardoned someone who ignored a court order in order to continue his racist policing. Not only does this mean that Trump does not consider racist policing to be a problem, but it also gives a green light for cops to ignore the court system, which is really the only check on their power (outside of armed resistance).
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:35 am

the mean wrote:So today Trump pardoned Arpaio.

Arpaio was sued, civilly, for running racist patrols that detained people for "suspician" that they might be in the US illegally (in other words, if they looked Mexican and didn't have any papers). The court ordered him to stop. He ignored the court and kept doing it. Courts tend to not like that, and he was found in contempt, which can be criminal. He was then convicted.

Trump pardoned someone who ignored a court order in order to continue his racist policing. Not only does this mean that Trump does not consider racist policing to be a problem, but it also gives a green light for cops to ignore the court system, which is really the only check on their power (outside of armed resistance).

You really think Trump pardoned him *because* he was racially profiling? You don't think there might another reason(s)?
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby the mean » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:26 am

At some point here, don't you want to ask yourself why you are always looking for other reasons?
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby FlexMyHead » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:22 am

I think what Sam is implying or is asking is if Trump pardoned him out of his weird fucked up sense of loyalty and not because Trump was all like "Yo, find me some motherfucker who did some bigly racist stuff and I'll let him off". I'm pretty sure no matter what that dude had done, Trump would have pardoned him since, apparently, the sheriff was one of the first people that supported Trump.

Now, of course, it doesn't take a genius to ask yourself "Well, why would a racial profiling Sheriff even be slightly interested in supporting a non-politician for President?". Well duh. Because Trump endorses and holds pretty similar views and thoughts, so yeah I think Trump also doesn't care about racial profiling, but I don't think the only reason he pardoned him was because of the offense, it was just happen stance.

So, while I kinda understand what Sam is trying to say, I think the bigger picture is that Trump doesn't really give a fuck about what people do or don't do. He doesn't seem concerned or isn't turned off or impacted by racial profiling. How can this be? Only way you can "look over" that is if (1) You think the same way. Right? I think he has a pattern of this, either ignoring, not caring, "turning a blind eye" or pretty much just saying it. Not sure how this is even something you could debate. Water is wet. Trump has racist behaviors.

Now, it's not like Obama never pardoned anybody, check out the full list:

And for all I know he could have pardoned people that did some fucked up shit. I think he even pardoned two people that were awaiting sentencing (like the Sheriff) but I don't think he made the announcement at a Rally and then said "well, he is 85 and a good guy". I saw the Sheriff say "it was a witch hunt", meaning he still doesn't understand or have a grasp of what he did was fucked up. The fucker also has a crowdfunding legal defense going. Fuck that dude.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby the mean » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:29 am

Bush II almost redeemed himself by pardoning John Forte. It was powerful, beautiful and excellent.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Mon Aug 28, 2017 11:05 am

the mean wrote:At some point here, don't you want to ask yourself why you are always looking for other reasons?

Whenever doing so ceases to be an intellectually honest stance, I suppose.

I can't really tell what this conversation is about, anymore. If I trace it back to my original question, it was asking if there is an indisputable, beyond-a-reasonable-doubt bit of evidence that Trump is racist. As evident as the audio recording(s) of him on women. There really isn't, beyond him saying a judge couldn't be objective because he is Mexican. Ok.

The reason I asked is because I don't trust the hard left's take on things. If someone says something horrible that has nothing to do with racism or sexism... it can't just be horrible on it's own merit. It has to have a million lines drawn and connected with all kinds of assumptions on intentions so that we can somehow connect the term racist/sexist/homophobic, for some reason I just can't see the point to. I see this happen over, and over, and over. This method kicks into high gear whenever a republican is elected to office. This board (you particularly) is a pretty good representation of the hard left. Since I can't have a two way conversation with huffington post, I figured I'd ask you guys what the deal is. I figured you'd know as much as anyone on that side of things.

So, what you see as my struggling to find alternate reasons for Trump's actions, I see as simply *not* jumping to reasons that fit a narrative. I don't *need* Trump to be a white supremacist to hate him. He very well may be. But all of the conversations and articles I've read that treat the subject as settled are, unless there's something else out there, jumping the gun. Because they need to. Again, I don't.

Incidentally, I think Trump probably is racist on some level. I'd wager he holds a lot of stereotypes to be true, if pressed. That's just kind of a guess on my part, due to his seemingly average intelligence (at best) and temperament. Of course, a lot of people deal with that within themselves, and can consciously check those impulses and not *be* racist in any way that really matters (it might be the best case we can hope for with a majority of the wold population). The broad conversation of racism is extremely complicated. Simply calling someone a racist is pretty meaningless, imo. As that could mean a myriad number of things from someone told an offensive joke, to someone is actively hoping to deport all black people back to Africa. To lump that all in to one pot is a serious mistake. But I digress...

You are the one that brought up the term White Supremacist. That suggests (correct me if I'm wrong) that Trump has an actively, purposeful agenda to promote the white race above other races. Hence, he would be letting the Sheriff off the hook because he's a 'bro for the cause', and this is his reward. This is just completely far-fetched to me. I find it much more plausible that the guy sucked Trump's cock, publically, for a good, long time. And, as Trump does, he rewards people that suck his cock. It serves his ego, which is his number one motivation. And if that means he's got to do something really stupid like pardon a guy that is going to give his detractors fodder for the rest of his presidential life, so be it. And if the guy profiles Mexicans, who cares? I think his conscience can take or leave something like that when it suits him, no problem. At least he didn't have to look 'weak' by going back on something he promised again. There are political reasons in motion to, of course. All ones that suit Trump. White supremacy brotherhood need not be part of the equation by any reasonable stretch.

Now, that's me making a fair amount of assumptions on Trumps inner thoughts and reasoning. But less so than if I were to say that he pardoned this guy because he's a fellow white supremacist. There is plenty of smoking gun, non-negotiable evidence of Trump being an egotistical, impulsive narcissist. I am just choosing to go with that line of thought because I feel there's more direct evidence for it. That's all.

So yeah, I think Trump might have some racist thoughts. Only because I assume a lot of people in his intellectual peer group, do. Because he's also unscrupulous, instead of checking these base thoughts, they might allow him to do something like gloss over someone's clearly racist misdeeds when it suits his ego to do so (again, conjecture on my part. I'd hardly call it a settled case as many people do). But do I think he's actively pushing a racist agenda as suggested by much of the hard left media? Nah. Not at all. It's about as ridiculous as saying GW had a slow response to katrina victims because he wanted to wipe out a bunch of black people. Why can't we just be bummed that the dude was slow and incompetent? Why do we have to claim he's also a genocidal psychopath without any real proof? It makes the whole claim silly as fuck. It's a bad habit of the hard left, imo. Incidentally, I still consider myself liberal. But I can't side with a lot of what the new breed, hard left is pushing with these types of moves. It's like all of the sudden Crass style angry, anarcho commie politics suddenly have become in vogue with sort of normal people. Fuck that shit.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Welly » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:47 pm

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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Welly » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:51 pm

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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Welly » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:54 pm

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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Welly » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:55 pm

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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Welly » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:56 pm

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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby jaybird » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:34 am

Jesus... :lol:
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:49 pm

For a board that has a grand total viewer ship of about 10, this place sure is prudish.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby JGJR » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:05 pm

SamDBL wrote:For a board that has a grand total viewer ship of about 10, this place sure is prudish.

It's not about prudishness. Many of us look at this at work. Use your head and please don't post stuff like that in the future.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby scannest » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:23 pm

Yeah, I don't have any objections to porn. But I read the board mainly at work and man, if my boss had been walking by when I had that thread up on my screen...I mean, that's just not a conversation I feel like having.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 1:38 pm

JGJR wrote:
SamDBL wrote:For a board that has a grand total viewer ship of about 10, this place sure is prudish.

It's not about prudishness. Many of us look at this at work. Use your head and please don't post stuff like that in the future.

Better idea: do what you're being paid to be doing at work instead of cruising message boards. Thanks!
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby JGJR » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:08 pm

SamDBL wrote:
JGJR wrote:
SamDBL wrote:For a board that has a grand total viewer ship of about 10, this place sure is prudish.

It's not about prudishness. Many of us look at this at work. Use your head and please don't post stuff like that in the future.

Better idea: do what you're being paid to be doing at work instead of cruising message boards. Thanks!

You wanna go there? Really? What makes you presume that I can't do both? It's not your business to tell me or others what to do anyway, assuming of course that it doesn't potentially adversely affect others (as your actions have). Regardless, it's against board policy (and common sense). There are plenty of other places on the internet for that sort of thing. Just saying.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:17 pm

But it's ok for you to tell me what to do, apparently. If you refrained from wasting your employer's money by cruising message boards instead of working, then my (totally harmless) actions would not adversely affect you. However, your censorship of my post has diminished my enjoyment of the board. Ive just always loved that line of thinking. 'Quit being an asshole on the board so I can continue being a shitty employee!'
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby scannest » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:22 pm

SamDBL wrote:But it's ok for you to tell me what to do, apparently. Ive just always loved that line of thinking. 'Quit being an asshole on the board so I can continue being a shitty employee!'

Your concern for my employer is admirable.

Seriously though, were you the kid who'd argue that the sky was purple if your parents said otherwise?
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:30 pm

Seriously though... Im fucking around on my own time on a message board. Your are sneaking in peaks at work when the boss isn't around. You are now telling me that I must adhere to your work place rules so that you don't get caught fucking around on company time. Tell me who is more in the wrong?
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby matt » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:33 pm

SamDBL wrote:Seriously though... Im fucking around on my own time on a message board. Your are sneaking in peaks at work when the boss isn't around. You are now telling me that I must adhere to your work place rules so that you don't get caught fucking around on company time. Tell me who is more in the wrong?

Sam, it's not workplace rules, it's the rules of the board now and since forever. Please don't act like you didn't know this.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:38 pm

As I've just been told, the rules of the board exist not because of prudishness, but because of people being online during work. Is this correct or not?
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby scannest » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:44 pm

SamDBL wrote:Seriously though... Im fucking around on my own time on a message board. Your are sneaking in peaks at work when the boss isn't around. You are now telling me that I must adhere to your work place rules so that you don't get caught fucking around on company time. Tell me who is more in the wrong?

Actually, I didn't say you have to adhere to my work place rules at all. I just bemoaned that I couldn't look at the board at work anymore and Matt pointed out that the board has always had a rule against posting porn.

But please, tray again. I'm curious to see where you go next.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:52 pm

scannest wrote:
SamDBL wrote:Seriously though... Im fucking around on my own time on a message board. Your are sneaking in peaks at work when the boss isn't around. You are now telling me that I must adhere to your work place rules so that you don't get caught fucking around on company time. Tell me who is more in the wrong?

Actually, I didn't say you have to adhere to my work place rules at all. I just bemoaned that I couldn't look at the board at work anymore and Matt pointed out that the board has always had a rule against posting porn.

But please, tray again. I'm curious to see where you go next.

No, I understand perfectly. Because either a giant picture of a cock would alert your employer to you burning company time online, or because you are offended by the male nude form, I should curb my actions. For you. And your convenience.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby JGJR » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:54 pm

SamDBL wrote:But it's ok for you to tell me what to do, apparently. If you refrained from wasting your employer's money by cruising message boards instead of working, then my (totally harmless) actions would not adversely affect you. However, your censorship of my post has diminished my enjoyment of the board. Ive just always loved that line of thinking. 'Quit being an asshole on the board so I can continue being a shitty employee!'

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:59 pm

And just like that I am once again victorious.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby scannest » Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:22 pm

SamDBL wrote:And just like that I am once again victorious.

I'm sure Dave would be upset if you were looking at porn on company time.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby FlexMyHead » Wed Aug 30, 2017 7:26 pm

The only board nudity that I approve of was the photo Tuh posted of a guys with huge balls and tried to convince people it was Lewdd. Even then it was gross. The goatse shit Tuh posted was just fucked up. I didn't see what Sam posted, but it's not really "censorship" if literally nobody wants to see it, it's just trolling. Something a guitarist for an alt-right conservative punx band should know!
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby SamDBL » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:44 pm

I'll state it again: it was a nude man. The only reasons it would be removed is because either the board is full of prudes, or the board is full of horrible employees trying to get away with screwing around at work. I actually thought it perfectly illustrated my feelings about this thread. And I am super bummed that people can't handle the visage of a naked man holding his ginormous cock.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby FormerLurker » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:21 am

SamDBL wrote:

See, if that had been Donald trump instead of his father, I'd find it to be a much more compelling case that Donald trump is indeed racist. I'm not saying he isn't. I'm saying that the waters have been muddied with the climate of non racist people being called racist for eating at Chinese restaurants, or whatever. I still say the slum lord court case is the strongest evidence I've seen. But I haven't examined it enough to make a conclusion. I guess because I don't give that much of a shit.

By contrast, I have no doubt that trump is a chuavanist (notice I didn't say misogynist). Why? Because there is actual audio of a conversation of him being that way. As well as much more easily verifiable witnesses of other incidents. Find me some audio of him calling arsenio hall a n--ger. I have actually heard there is audio from his showing just that. Don't give me a bunch of bullshit about referring to Mexicans as Mexicans as being signs of overt racism. Fuck off.

Also, I'm not sure if it's related... but I can't fucking believe how quiet Facebook is when a Muslim terrorist attack happens, now. Like, it's astounding.


Also, sadly true.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby FormerLurker » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:28 am

SamDBL wrote:I'll state it again: it was a nude man. The only reasons it would be removed is because either the board is full of prudes, or the board is full of horrible employees trying to get away with screwing around at work. I actually thought it perfectly illustrated my feelings about this thread. And I am super bummed that people can't handle the visage of a naked man holding his ginormous cock.

To be clear, this is definitely my category.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby jaybird » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:31 am

SamDBL wrote:But it's ok for you to tell me what to do, apparently. If you refrained from wasting your employer's money by cruising message boards instead of working, then my (totally harmless) actions would not adversely affect you. However, your censorship of my post has diminished my enjoyment of the board. Ive just always loved that line of thinking. 'Quit being an asshole on the board so I can continue being a shitty employee!'

A+++ trolling
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby FormerLurker » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:35 am

Best thread here in forever.
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby wALLton » Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:42 am

I view the board at work on MY time, during breaks and at lunch. And I work in a giant shared office with numerous people walking behind my desk at all times of the day, so I still don't want people catching a glimpse of that on my screen and coming (oops) to the wrong conclusions! ;)
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Re: Trump Rally..

Postby Dinko » Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:26 am

FormerLurker wrote:Best thread here in forever.

What's new? With Lewdd's posts, I'd often think "BBQ!", and soon enough there'd be a picture of a BBQ. With Sam's posts...
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