

Postby SamDBL » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:44 am

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Re: Well?

Postby jaybird » Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:49 am

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Re: Well?

Postby scannest » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:52 pm

You realize this board has been averaging 5 posts a day for months now, right?
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Re: Well?

Postby FormerLurker » Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:48 pm

jaybird wrote:RLL

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Re: Well?

Postby SamDBL » Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:26 pm

scannest wrote:You realize this board has been averaging 5 posts a day for months now, right?

Well, this is a totally wasted post, for example. You should clearly be opining about misogyny and fearing for your children.
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Re: Well?

Postby xxxMidgexxx » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:00 pm

SamDBL wrote:
scannest wrote:You realize this board has been averaging 5 posts a day for months now, right?

Well, this is a totally wasted post, for example. You should clearly be opining about misogyny and fearing for your children.

I opine. Though I don't have any children.
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Re: Well?

Postby Welly » Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:25 pm

Last edited by Welly on Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Well?

Postby earthdog70 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:46 pm

On a Ted Knight related note, Sundance channel had a Mary Tyler Moore marathon yesterday. The episodes I watched really held up :(
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Re: Well?

Postby SamDBL » Sun Jan 29, 2017 8:03 pm

Welly wrote:
SamDBL wrote:Image

Still smirking?

Well, it looks like he's going after the Obamacare penalty right off the bat, which was a big pain in the ass for me. So my smirk has turned to more of a content head nod as I go about my day. Thanks for asking
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Re: Well?

Postby seanTM » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:35 pm

Thank god Sam made it over before the wall was built.
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Re: Well?

Postby FormerLurker » Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:56 am

seanTM wrote:Thank god Sam made it over before the wall was built.

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Re: Well?

Postby Welly » Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:05 am

Last edited by Welly on Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Well?

Postby SamDBL » Mon Jan 30, 2017 12:09 pm

I mean, he's crazy as fuck. But I was glad to see that stupid shit go away.
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Re: Well?

Postby FlexMyHead » Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:37 am

SamDBL wrote:I mean, he's crazy as fuck. But I was glad to see that stupid shit go away.

Uh...I wouldn't get your hopes up too high as there has been no mention of "what" is going to replace "whatever" they take away. In fact, I'm not even so sure they are really going to dismantle the Affordable Care Act entirely. This isn't just a Dem vs Rep thing, there is mass uncertainty about it all, even though Fuckface von Clownstick doesn't seem to realize this. There was actually someone who snuck into the GOP retreat thing that recently happened in Philly and released a transcript of the GOP dudes talking about this very thing.
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Re: Well?

Postby SamDBL » Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:34 pm

I can't imagine that whatever they come up with will have much affect on me. Before ACA, insurance was expensive as fuck for me with no help from an employer. After ACA, it was the exact same price, with less coverage and insane deductables (had I chose to go through the govt), and on top of that, I now had the threat of a ballooning penalty to weasel out of every year. If they just repeal the whole damn thing with no plan other than a privatatized free for all as it was before, I'll still be in a slightly better boat. Being a contractor with a middle class income, ACA simply did not work for, or benefit me. I will be glad to see it go. And seeing him make efforts to waive that penalty right off the bat directly, positively effects me. This does not make me pro Trump. However, I am not caught up the hysteria, as I've already been through several presidencies that, according some, should have ended in dictatorships/nuclear war, and I made it through. I am just looking at things objectively, which is hopefully still allowed. And things that affect me directly simply resonate more than alaskan pipelines, etc. I think I've officially gone from being left of center, to smack dab in the middle, as my heart bleeds significantly less than it did about ten years ago.
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Re: Well?

Postby FlexMyHead » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:11 am

SamDBL wrote:I can't imagine that whatever they come up with will have much affect on me

Well I couldn't have imagined the past 13 days would be like they have been.

If anything, it's just opened my eyes to things that I never really paid attention to before, like the EO "Mexico City Policy" about federal funding to international groups that do abortions, that changes each time a new party comes into office since 1984. Say what? And to be honest, Executive Order's in general, just their scope and what they could do, I had no clue.

Also, just the randomness and kinda fucked up way people get selected (not just Trump's picks, although they are mind-boggling) for cabinet positions.

Another thing is just the whole "you did it to us, we will do it to do". I mean, what the GOP did to Obama's Supreme Court pick was just fucked up, nobody had a clear objection to him and he was actually a moderate, but they flat out refused to deal with it and the seat sat empty on going a year. Now, should the Dem's do the same thing? Does that just cover them in as much shit and vomit as the GOP? I dunno.

A huge part of me thinks you should fight the good fight, no matter what, but then again, where has that ever gotten somebody? There is the quote that goes:

..for how we live is so far removed from how we ought to live, that he who abandons what is done for what ought to be done, will rather bring about his own ruin than his preservation.

That quote has always hit me hard. I agree with it (for the most part) and I recognize in my own life that there have been moments when I have abandon what is done for what should be, but there many moments I haven't.

Anyhoo, I'm honestly worried about what is going on right now. Part of me thinks that is going to bring about such a mass resistance and awareness and activeness that is going to lead to something new/good, but part of me thinks that it's going to get a hell of a lot worse. I was reading something about Bannon and how he has said his approach is to do such an onslaught of things, just never ending, that you will like literally get shell-shocked and even be able to address everything that is happening so fast because the system is just not designed for it. Scary times...
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Re: Well?

Postby FlexMyHead » Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:42 pm

Is there a term for a dude who responds to his own questions on a messageboard? If so, enlighten me, but I'm gonna do it....

I was just reading some news article about the GOP deciding to ignore senate rules and push 2 cabinet picks through and saw these comments (yeah, I know comments sections are for trolls), so maybe I'm not alone in thinking what I commented on above:

2/01/17 1:08pm

We should have sunk to their level a few years ago. Enough of this hippie love shit. No one gets to tell people that we need to give Trump a chance. He has done nothing but destroy civil rights and rape the natural world in all of 2 weeks. So fuck him and the GOP. No Gods No Masters and may trump choke on a chicken bone or at least trip down the stairs.

Iron Sausage
2/01/17 1:06pm

Fuck Orin Hatch. Fuck him right in the ear. Motherfucker has been obstructing for 40 fucking years. He’s a raving hypocrite. Maybe this is the beginning of the dissolution of this country, and maybe the beginning of us splitting apart and self-selecting where to live and how to govern. Who the fuck needs the right wing? What good have they done in, what, 150 fucking years?

Hey, I am SO ok with this nation breaking apart into 2 or more nations, if it means being able to live in a place where we all basically agree on how to conduct a society.

It’s been a good 240 years. Time we went our separate ways, somehow.

Hamlet goes safari for warmth
2/01/17 1:18pm
These people are going to start a goddamn civil war. Y’all as scared as I am?

2/01/17 1:26pm

Yes. And I feel woefully unprepared. I’m broke, out of shape, and don’t have any weapons. My kitchen knives are even dull. I read an article where the writer explained that he got LASIK surgery on his eyes. Because wearing glasses or contacts will make things difficult in the wars to come. It nearly gave me a panic attack because I can barely see my hand in front of me without a vision aid.

As an aside, Iron Sausage is a pretty boss user name and that last response was so smarmy, I could have written it myself!

It seems some people are about to drink the Kool-Aid...

2/01/17 1:16pm

This is what fascists do. This is fascism in action.

Like the CBP workers who sneeringly refused to honor court orders last weekend, who rebuffed democratically elected officials who had come to challenge the unlawful detentions, snickering that people could just take it up with Leader Trump, the Republican majority in Congress has, with the utmost, gleeful contempt, rejected and violated the fragile agreement that is democracy—and of course, the first thing we learn when that happens is that there is no enforcement mechanism.

There is nothing we can do to pull back democracy from these people, to restore constitutional order and the rule of law. Nothing.

Democracy is, forgive the old-style sexist construction, based on a “gentleman’s agreement.” It is, fundamentally, a handshake. It is a voluntary act. When one side decides unilaterally to shred the agreement, as the dark money Republicans have done, there are no remedies short of an uprising in the streets, and even that—in a fascist regime—is more likely to be an invitation to official mass murder, than a prelude to Mitch McConnell and his fellow-fascists smacking themselves on the foreheads, yelling, “What the fuck were we thinking?” and regaining a democratic conscience.

Jesus, people. This bears some generic resemblance to a fucking coup d’etat.
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Re: Well?

Postby Dinko » Sun Feb 05, 2017 12:01 pm

SamDBL wrote:I mean, he's crazy as fuck. But I was glad to see that stupid shit go away.

how Weimar Republic-ish.
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