The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby BAIN » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:22 am

anyone going to this at Gilman in January

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bands so far with tons more coming (UPDATED)

Kepi Ghoulie
The Jimmies
Surrogate Brains
Black Cat Music
The Criminals
Black Fork
The Avengers
Kamala & The Karnivores
Pansy Division
Brent's TV
Corrupted Morals
The Smugglers
Wynona Riders
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby Neal » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:41 pm

I'd love to see corrupted morals, scherzo and the wynona riders, but i won't be around. If monsula or stikky played, i might have to be around.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby fiestaware » Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:09 am

BAIN wrote:Kamala & The Karnivores
Brent's TV

These are great, but Soup or F.O.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby gregpolard » Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:56 pm

I do wonder if any of the bigger acts from the label will play like, secretly.
scannest wrote:It's like a filmmaker saying "Spielberg is my idol. Every time I get behind the camera I think about how I can make my film as good as Hook"
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby BAIN » Fri Sep 09, 2016 2:12 pm

Neal wrote:I'd love to see corrupted morals, scherzo and the wynona riders, but i won't be around. If monsula or stikky played, i might have to be around.

according to Jeff Ott, Monsula, Fifteen and a Cringer tribute are slated.

not sure how many big bands will be announced

thinking blatz, citizen fish, go sailor, nuisance, queers, tilt maybe opiv (but that will be a day of sort of thing)
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby unitedblood » Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:03 pm

fiestaware wrote:
These are great, but Soup or F.O.

Well Soup were a Very Small band, not a Lookout band, right?

That said, New Years Eve is Gilman's actual 30th anniversary...and I'm pretty sure Soup were the first band to actually play there. I'd more count on that being a thing, if it's going to be a thing.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:43 pm

BAIN wrote:
Neal wrote:I'd love to see corrupted morals, scherzo and the wynona riders, but i won't be around. If monsula or stikky played, i might have to be around.

according to Jeff Ott, Monsula, Fifteen and a Cringer tribute are slated.

There was some drama, and it looks like Fifteen is a no. Which seems appropriate.

As usual, gilman wanted to send email back and forth for days, weeks actually, before making a decision as to wether or not i'm banned. thats normal, 4 or 5 times in the past I've played benefits for gilman while banned. but this time emails, all arraigned, planning practices, etc and instead of banning me and letting me play, they stop sending emails and say nothing. thats weird i think to myself. no not really, but thanks to ACA no more spending my time and energy on people who dont respect me. for the record, making sure jux went to prison for molesting >20 kids was the proudest moment of my life, i would not hesitate one second to do it again, i will not apologize for having done it, i will never have anything to do with the club again.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby SamDBL » Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:02 am

the mean wrote: for the record, making sure jux went to prison for molesting >20 kids was the proudest moment of my life,

What's this about? Is this one of the guys in Fifteen? I always wondered why they tailed off into nothingness. They had quite a following for a time. We played with them, once. And Jeff Ott was a very cool guy. I wasn't much of a fan, but I did like Crimpshrine for a time when I was young.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby FlexMyHead » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:41 pm

SamDBL wrote:
the mean wrote: for the record, making sure jux went to prison for molesting >20 kids was the proudest moment of my life,

What's this about? Is this one of the guys in Fifteen? I always wondered why they tailed off into nothingness. They had quite a following for a time. We played with them, once. And Jeff Ott was a very cool guy. I wasn't much of a fan, but I did like Crimpshrine for a time when I was young.

Nah, Jux worked at Punk With Presses. From my very hazy and (most likely wrong) memory, Jux was accused of molesting a bunch of punx (boys?). Jux was apparently well liked and had band ties/bonds with "punks in scene" and therefore, when things started to come out, people were defending him. If you know anything about Jeff Ott, holding back on something is not his style, so he went full on atomic bomb on this issue and I think people felt like he was overly aggressive towards Jux. I think that Jeff had also admitted to taking advantage (sexually) women before.

I met Jux once, he flew out to Virginia to spend the weekend with my bandmates former dorm mate. This kid was sXe and kinda socially awkward and odd and I guess had befriended Jux online (this was early 90s). We (people around him) all thought it was very strange that Jux from Punks With Presses flew out to hang with this kid for the weekend. Anyhoo...

I need to google to find out more information, but if Jux was found guilty, then fuck him very hard and very long and anybody who defended him. I know you are innocent until proven guilty and all, but if all Jeff Ott did was raise (constant) awareness and it, in fact, was proven to be correct, then he should have gotten apologies, not condemnation.

I mean, Lookout Larry was also included in the allegedly taken advantage of young male punk scene kids. I mean, that basically the co-owner of Lookout Records got to know Larry after he formed a weird kind of crush/fascination with him (Larry was like 20 years older than him?).

So TLDR, fuk Jux, Ott went overboard on the issue and rubbed people the wrong way. If Jux was found guilty, fuck those people, they should apologize to Ott, not ban him.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby FlexMyHead » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:46 pm

Took two seconds to google it, but the below is from Jeff Ott. I'm not sure Jux was found guilty though.

A Pedophile in the East Bay Punk Scene.
Hello my name is Jeff Ott. I want to relate to you some stuff that has been taking place at 924 Gilman street and the east bay lately. On October 5th ,1996 a kid came to the Gilman membership meeting and said the three weeks prior Jux, who runs Punks With Presses, had provided him with liquor to the point of him passing out. He said that when he came to consciousness Jux was raping him. This came as a shock to me. I have been using Punks With Presses to make CD covers for awhile now and I have multiple friends who work there, I had never heard anything like that about Jux. However I figured that since I don't really hang out with people that drink or use drugs anymore I'm sort of out of the gossip loop. So anyway, the membership meeting had a really heated discussion about what to do. Eventually by the end of the Meeting we decided to elect 5 people to form a committee to investigate the charges against Jux. About 15 people volunteered. I and four others were elected. A short while later the show started and Jux showed up to refute the allegations. Those of us on the committee went down the street and had him tell us his side of the story. He basically had the same story as the kid except he said everything was consentual. He said something which was inconsistent with his own story. He said that the kid wasn't too drunk to give consent but he also said they had to stop being sexual for a minute so the kid could throw up. From my own experience you usually throw up because you're body can't handle any more alcohol.

Upon returning to the club a friend pointed at another kid and told me that I should talk to him. I went down the street with the kid and asked him what his experiences with Jux were. The kid went on to tell me about a wide variety of abuses, ranging from emotional blackmail (if you don't have sex with me you're homophobic) to sexual harassment, to intimidation, to rape. He pointed me towards some other people who had similar stories. I talked to them at later points in time... One of those people I talked to was a woman who used to work at the presses. She told me she knew a kid who was also forced into sex. She recommended that I talk to another woman. She also said that she saw Jux inappropriately touching two young people at a backyard show just lately(December 1996).

I talked to a woman that was at the Punks With Presses warehouse on the night that the first kid said Jux tried to rape him. She said that the kid was way too drunk to even deal with issues like consent.

Then I talked to another woman who used to work at the press. She told me about four specific incidents she knew of. An eighteen year old being raped by Jux. A kid on tour being sexually assaulted. An ex-boyfriend of Jux's claimed he was physically and emotionally abused. And a kid being invited to live at Jux's warehouse and after the kid refused to give Jux sex, Jux kicked him out. I was also directed to talk to another person I used to hang out with. I talked to her, she said a friend of hers (14 years old) hung out with Jux for awhile, and that after the beginning he felt like he couldn't leave. She said that Jux would lay guilt trips like "you're homophobic if you don't give me sex" on the kid. She also said that she had heard of Jux having to leave southern California as a result of him having big trouble with somebodies parents.

I then talked to a guy on the phone. He used to work briefly at the press. He said that Jux would use age, power and knowledge of scenesters and money/alcohol/gifts to lure kids in to him. He said that he had a friend that worked at the press for a short time until he denied Jux sex and then he was fired. He also said that Jux would use the line, "if you don't have sex with me you're homophobic". He said that he also knew a kid who went to sleep in the same place as Jux and woke up to find Jux masturbating over him.

I then talked to a guy who Jux used to live with and he said he was told that a kid who was roadying for a band that Jux was traveling with woke up one night to find Jux trying to take his pants off.

I was later emailed by a person in that band who said that the roadie was perpetrated in other ways also.

Lately a kid called my house and said that he was at a party at Jux's warehouse and was so drunk he couldn't leave. He said that Jux came and disrobed him and had sex with him.

I started to notice a pattern.

1)Jux buys young boys booze and or gifts.

2)Boy gets way too drunk.

3)Jux says something to the effect of "if you don't have sex with me you are homophobic".

4)Boy is either too drunk to express "NO". or

5)Boy says no and Jux doesn't stop anyway.

6)Boy is asleep and has his pants removed or wakes up to find Jux masturbating over or near him.

Eventually I found out that a dear friend of mine was passed out at Jux's warehouse, Jux tried to disrobe him and another friend of mine walked in the room and stopped Jux from perpetrating him. As a result they were both thrown out of the house.

At this point I quit the Gilman investigatory committee. I started sending email to anyone I could find asking them to boycott Punx With Presses. Almost immediately the issue was no longer the fact that Jux was raping multiple kids. All attention was placed on the fact that I dispersed information that I got while on the committee.

Was I wrong for releasing the information? I don't really know. It's definitely a conflict of interest on my part. I didn't really feel like I had a choice. Jux tried to rape my friend. The other people on the committee were clearly too scared to even talk to any of the 10+ people I got information from, let alone do anything. I was starting to notice that the thing I called my community was willing to let kids get raped rather than confront one man. The consequences of the conflict of interest no longer mattered. Why the fuck should I care if a bunch cowards who call themselves revolutionaries disapprove of my actions. At least I have actions.

So I kept going, and sending out the emails until I got a message from Jux. It said he was done denying things and he wanted to talk to me. I went and met him. He wasn't really willing to admit much but he was willing to go to the 924 Gilman Membership meeting and request to be 86'ed for a year while he was going to "get help". In exchange I would send out new emails saying that Punx With Presses should be left alone and that the issue was resolved. Did I sell out those kids that he molested. I did. I felt like I had to get the club in a position of being able to say "we dealt with it", so that if the police or the city ever got involved the club would be in the clear.

Since then I have found additional information. Jux molested three young people in southern California. They all reside in a mental hospital now. They are all too fucked up as a result of there abuse to talk to the authorities there. However one kids parents did contact the police and Jux found out about it. Which is why he left to live up here.

He is still hanging out with a young man who has already had to throw Jux on the ground and pin him in order to make Jux stop his behavior. I have gotten multiple emails and other forms of communication from employees at punx with presses saying that it is inappropriate to ask people to boycott punx with presses because they say Jux is not the owner and that it is a collective. Therefore I am not asking you to boycott their business. Not because I believe them. If it were really a collective then they would have the power get rid of him. Or maybe they think that Pedophilia is cool. If it is a collective all I can say is let's see a lease that doesn't have his name on it. Let's see the receipts on the machinery, who owns it? Who signs the checks? Can we see some?

I guess all I'm asking you to do, is to know that, given the chance he will molest more boys.

I am also asking you to recognize that we are no different than our parents just because we have mohawks and tattoos and piercings. There is just as much rape and domestic violence in our scene as there is in our society. If you are the kind of person who actually wants to change something rather than just talk about it than please read the following.

Here are two stories from others involved with Jux and those he has perpetrated. The second was handed to me by the victim, the first was sent to me by a friend of the victim, in the second I have taken out the names and replaced them with pronouns inside of parenthesis, except Jux's.

One Account from the Friend of a Victim.

I just wanted to tell you thank you for doing something about jux... i was on tour with (Band) this summer when the incident of sexual assault on the 15 year old kid occurred... just thought you might want to know the story... jux was always using money and gifts to try and lure people into hanging out with him... there was a time when all of (band), myself and the kid who was molested by jux would hang out with him a lot (after we met him off irc{the internet-ed.}) ... there was the common pattern of him acting really nice to all of us... he would buy us stuff, try to impress us with stories of scenesters he knew, experiences he had had (almost all lies)... there always seemed to be strings attached to all of this however.. there always seemed to be the expectation that we were there to amuse him, and he would undergo severe mood swings and yell at us and stuff when we wouldn't or couldn't think of something fun to do. (Name), one of the guitarists had had a bad experience a few years earlier with jux, where jux was grabbing his ass and just that sort of thing.. but he somehow didn't think a lot of it.. jux never really made any sexual passes at any of us except the kid.. there were always lots of kids hanging out at his house drinking and stuff.. when we decided we were going to tour (it was going to be (Band) and (person) as the roadie and that was supposed to be it) knowing that we didn't really have any money or a van, he offered to let one of the band members trade him his car for jux's van for the summer so that we could use it to tour.... it ended up however of jux using this as leverage to come along with us.. although we didn't really want him (we had been beginning to pick up weird vibes from him, and were sort of feeling awkwardly towards him). He then insisted that the kid had to come too.. this meant jux had to bring a whole different car with him... tour started out fine.. but eventually we all started having problems with jux.. he was just being an asshole.. i wanted to ride in the van apart from him and he exploded at me.. it ended up mostly that it was just jux and (Victim) in the car by themselves most of the time.. originally i was going to leave tour early and go back with jux and the kid in the car to work at punx with presses. but i was not getting along with jux and decided i wanted to stay with the band and didn't want to live with jux. when the kid found out that i wasn't going to be going back with them, he was making hints that he didn't want to ride back with jux alone.. he mostly was making up things like he was scared about jux being the only driver, and his mom would be mad and that sort of thing.. but mostly i think he was scared because jux had been coming on to him.. (jux had come on to him many times in the past as well as it turned out and told him he was in love with him, and that he was homophobic and all that classic stuff).. jux even kicked out this girl who had been living at p.w.p. when her and the kid started going out because he was jealous.. but anyway it ended up that when we were in DC, jux and the kid were supposed to leave the very next day.. jux had decided to let us take both the car and the van and he and the kid would take the train back home.. by this time jux had got really weird.. he would always speak for the kid.. like me and (Victim) are going to bed.. or me and (Victim) are going to do this.. and not even ask the kid anything.. it was getting really weird.. so we were in DC and jux said me and (victim) are going to go bus tickets.. and (victim) told him he didn't want to go with him to get the tickets and jux got super pissed off at him and went by himself.. while he was gone (victim) came out and told me that jux had sexually assaulted him several times at night.. he said that jux had been rubbing his leg.. and that he had woke up and jux's hand was in his pants.. and that another night jux had been trying to undo his pants.. none of us could believe it.. so the next morning while jux was asleep we drove (victim) to the bus station to catch a bus home without jux.. before he left he wrote a really good letter to jux explaining why he had left, and how fucked up he thought jux was. none of us knew how jux was going to react.. (victim) had also told us a story of how he had been shot at one night when he was standing outside of gilman.. although there is no proof, he had suspected jux in it.. i guess he and jux had had a big argument, and then it happened that night. jux had told us many times of how he had a gun.. so we thought he might get violent.. but instead when he got up in the morning he just started crying and went home by himself.. we told a lot of people about it.. but mostly people thought (victim) was making it up.. or that jux was just coming on to him and not molesting him and that we were all making a big deal out of nothing etc... so anyways I'm glad to see that others are starting to see jux for who he really is.. lemme know if you ever need any help. (the author)
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby unitedblood » Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:34 am

I don't know Jux or Jeff Ott at all, so I can't actually comment either way about the facts of the situation (and I haven't read the long thing JO wrote maybe this was addressed). I will say that I was at a Fifteen show at People's Park in Berkeley in the either late 90's or early 2000's (maybe the first show when he got the band back together after the giant last show in 96). As they were setting up, a few prominent members of the old Gilman scene (Kamala, Jake Filth, Robert Eggplant, etc...) basically stormed the stage and expressed their disapproval of Jeff and his handling of the Jux situation. Someone that Jeff had included in his calling out of Jux spoke and indicated that what Jeff said was a fabrication. Shortly after this, once Fifteen were about to start, Jeff addressed this and (to my memory) basically said something to the effect of 'well...yeah. I may have not told the truth about what happened, but sometimes the ends justify the means. I know he's guilty of these things, so I'm going to say what I have to in order to be sure he's put away for it".

Always left me with a pretty sour feeling about Jeff Ott.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby Welly » Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:01 pm

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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby Welly » Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:03 pm

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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:09 pm

Welly wrote:
SamDBL wrote:
the mean wrote: for the record, making sure jux went to prison for molesting >20 kids was the proudest moment of my life,

What's this about? Is this one of the guys in Fifteen? I always wondered why they tailed off into nothingness. They had quite a following for a time. We played with them, once. And Jeff Ott was a very cool guy. I wasn't much of a fan, but I did like Crimpshrine for a time when I was young.

Me too, but I think they tailed off into musical oblivion right about when Jeff Ott confessed to being a rapist.

Or before then.

Anyway, what Jeff is currently saying about Gilman makes little sense. He's still banned because of Jux? But he's played there several times why he's been banned? The proudest moment of his life was sending a rapist to jail while being a admitted rapist and not recommending jail for himself?

Man, and I really liked Crimpshrine, and have been in bands with a couple different people from Fifteen.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby BAIN » Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:14 am

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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby gregpolard » Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:54 am


scannest wrote:It's like a filmmaker saying "Spielberg is my idol. Every time I get behind the camera I think about how I can make my film as good as Hook"
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby Chris Shary » Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:49 pm

This just got real.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:28 pm

Chuck/Bill/Pelkey lineup?
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:35 pm

Surrogate Brains as well. Although I doubt anyone here is as stoked on that one as me.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby BAIN » Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:50 am

the mean wrote:TILT as well. Although I doubt anyone here is as stoked on that one as me.

borrowed your words for my own
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby BAIN » Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:25 am

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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:15 pm

From my friend Anthony from the band Rad:

Anthony wrote:Just wanted to share some exciting news that I can share now that the fest organizers have announced it. I'm thrilled(!!!) to be part of a band to pay tribute to Lance Hahn by playing some Cringer and J Church songs at the Lookout Records fest in early January. The band ("Cringeworthy") is with my old friend and bandmate George Chen (k.i.t.), longtime Cringer drummer Kamala Parks, and Frank Piegaro (Conquest for Death).

Like Lance, I'm a Chinese kid who grew up on the island of Oahu in the state of Hawaii and moved to CA as a teenager. I saw several of Cringer's last few shows at Gilman and elsewhere in 1991, and J Church's first few shows as well. Later in life I got to know him personally, and remain a huge fan of his music, writing, and DIY ethics. He might be the most influential punk to ever come out of the tiny state of Hawaii, where punk culture is minimal and most people like reggae, hip-hop, or Hawaiian music.

I loved Lance's songwriting in Cringer and J Church, I was a big fan of many bands on Lookout Records (several of whom will be playing the fest), and I was a Gilman St kid for many years in the early to mid-90's. So it's a total blast to be able to be part of this celebration of Lookout Records at Gilman in January.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:15 pm

There is also going to be a Sewer Trout tribute band.
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby BAIN » Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:52 am

the mean wrote:There is also going to be a Sewer Trout tribute band.

Also Cringer

"Cringeworthy (ft. Anthony Lew, George Chen, Kamala Parks, and Frank Piegaro)
The Sewer Trout Experience (ft. Dave Mello, Adam LaBelle, Cole Gates, and Alex Botkin)"
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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby Welly » Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:19 pm

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Re: The Lookouting Fest (celebration of Lookout Records)

Postby the mean » Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:11 pm

BAIN wrote:Also Cringer

"Cringeworthy (ft. Anthony Lew, George Chen, Kamala Parks, and Frank Piegaro)

See a couple posts above.
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