Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:38 am

That isn't dogging it, Hal. That's persevering. We have all done it, especially on long runs we have never done before. Good job. Not every run is the run you had last week but that next awe-inspiring run is one step closer.

I did my 8K this morning. It was a glorious morning - bright, sunny and cool. This was the first time this race had ever been run. It was a really nice course, hilly and through the woods and very few streets. I did pretty well and I am quite happy with the results. I ran into some other parents from my daughter's school, which is always nice.

Today: 4.97 (8 K)
Week: 23.01
Total: 372.35

14 tomorrow.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:30 am

I had an excellent 14 mile run this morning. Great temperature and low humidity. I ran it on the course where the half marathon I am running in two weeks will be run. There were people marking of the distances and marking each mile. The signs were being posted that said "ROAD CLOSED SEPTEMBER 8th - MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARATHON". It was kind of exciting.

Week 11 in the books.

Today: 14
Week: 37.01
Total: 386.35

70 days to NYC.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:15 am

Thanks pedro! My confidence is back up.

I took advantage of the CT No Tax week and bought myself a new pair of running shoes. I combined a bunch of coupons at Bob's and ended up savingover $50...score! Sad that the Asics 2170's are discontinued, but stoked on these Cumulus 15's I ended up with. I couldn't help but think as I tried them on...'these are the shoes I will run a marathon in'. Exciting indeed. Can't wait to give them a test run tomorrow morning.

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:43 am

Week 12.

Ran to the Trash Can with PMD. He was pushing the pace. Nothing too crazy but faster than I expected.

Tuesday: 4.11
Week: 4.11
Total: 390.46

Tomorrow I'm running 8 miles of hills. PMD and PMD's wife are scheduled to join me.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:01 pm

I ran what was probably the most intense hill specific workout of my life. I ran with PMD and his wife joined us for the majority of the miles and the hills. We ran up "the gravel hill" a grand total of 5 times, which is once more than I had ever run it before. Couple that with a ll the regular hills and it was a tough one. A good one, but a tough one.

I'm happy to be off tomorrow!

Tuesday: 8.16 (Hills)
Week: 12.27
Total: 398.62

On Thursday, I pass the exact mid point (in mileage) of my training and will pass 400 miles mark of my program!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:38 pm

Good work pedro!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:49 am

Excellent rebound week! Solid runs throughout. New kicks are comfy and breaking in nicely. Toe has healed well and is no longer an issue.

MON: 4.6
TUE: 8.1
WED: 5.4

I was a bit worried going into today's long run. The conditions were the same as last, yet humid. I made sure to drink plenty of water on Thursday and only ate gels sans caffeine, just in case that was a factor in last weeks awful run. Ended up feeling great, maybe better than usual. I absolutely slayed this run. My final 6 miles were all under 9:00 (fast for me). I was on pace to break my best half marathon time by over a minute.

FRI: 12.1 (1:49:36)

I've lost weight the past few weeks. I had maintained around 175 for the entire summer. I'm now dipping into the 160's for the first time since the year I got married (2001). Crazy considering I topped out at 214 less than 2 years ago. Feels good. Except for the fact that my work clothes don't fit anymore and look ridiculous. I'm starting to resemble an anorexic teenage girl :)
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:58 am

Thanks and nice work, Hal.

I ran 7 miles today. I thought I was scheduled to run 4 of them at marathon pace, but when I was done I realized it was only 3. Oh well. I'm not particularly good at these works outs, as I tend to run too hard the entire time. Today was no exception as I ran the entire trek in just under an hour. My marathon pace should be about 8:23/mile and I ran this in about 8:22/mile. That also includes waiting for a few seconds at three street crossings. Oh well indeed.

Today: 7.17
Week: 19.44
Total: 405.79

I passed 400 miles! Trash Can Run tomorrow and 16 on Sunday.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:26 am

Just officially registered for the ING Hartford Marathon. I'm ALL IN!! oh fuck...
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:27 am

pedro wrote:I passed 400 miles!

Congrats! Cool stat. Wish I had thought to keep a grand total of all my miles.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Sep 02, 2013 7:45 am

Happy Labor Day! I began my week a day early to make my long run on Thursday. Doing 18...wife/kids are off for the jewish holiday. Crazy run this morning. Cloudy, foggy, muggy, slightly rainy...and some thunder and lightning taboot. I was glad to pass about 8 other runners just as insane as me out there. Good 9-miler. Ran out on the bike trail...but about 15 miles down from where I usually start. I generally avoid this section due to the deceiving inclines. It looks straight and flat...but there's nearly 100 ft. of elevation throughout the run. Makes a great workout. I figure I'll probably experience these types of grades on the marathon course. Felt strong today.

MON: 9.0 (1:22:03)
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:36 am

That sounds great, Hal. Nice work. It always a relief to see someone as crazy as you are when you are out in a storm. Good stuff.

I know all of you are wondering where I have been. I have some serious catching up to do and I'm sure you are all on the edge of your seats. I'll cut to the chase.

Saturday: I ran to the Trash Can. I can't really remember anything about this run. Must have been pretty nondescript.

Sunday: Long run. I was up out and early. There were TONS of runners on the trail today. Lots of Runjing Clubs training for various fall races. I get a little tired of people yelling "runner up!" and "runner back!" as I pass them from either the same direction or the opposite. While the yelling is kind of annoying, what really bothers me is the people in the group doing the yelling who don't understand what they are supposed to do. MOVE LEFT YOU IDIOT! It's not that hard. Also, don't run 3 across. Ever.

I started at my usual spot (mile 7 marker) and planned on running north for 4 miles and back and then south for 4 miles and back for a total of 16 miles. As I approached the 11 mile marker, I decided to keep going north. I just kept going. I ended up running 7 miles north and back and then down to the 6 mile marker and back. I don''t really know why I decided to change my original thought. I just went with it. 16 Miles and I felt pretty good for the first 15 miles. The 16th mile was alright, but I was really feeling it. I was also wearing a shirt I had never run a long run in and had some chaffing on my shoulders. I had never had chaffing there before. I guess that shirt is for shorter distances now.

Saturday: 4.21
Sunday: 16.13
Week: 39.78
Total: 426.13

Week 12 in the books.

Week 13!

Monday: Off

Tuesday: I was supposed to Run to the Trash Can, but I audibled at the last minute and did my regular 6 miler. There was a very nice breeze that made this run enjoyable.

Today: 6.11
Total: 432.24

8 miles of hills Wednesday, off on Thursday, 7-8 on Friday, 5 on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday.

61 days until NYC.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:03 am

pedro wrote:16 Miles and I felt pretty good for the first 15 miles. The 16th mile was alright, but I was really feeling it.

Great run! Nice work.

TODAY: 5.2

I stopped at the boutique running shop in West Hartford this morning (Fleet Feet). I picked up a canister of Gatorade Endurance. It was priced about $5 more than Amazon, but was on sale for 50% off...score! I also grabbed some Body Glide. Been getting some serious nipple burn on some of my recent runs.

OFF! tomorrow
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:14 am

I ran 9 miles of hills this morning. I ran a .73 mile section of one of my regular routes 12 times. The extra is from the start of the hill to the parking lot and back. This section of the trail is what we (PMD, PMD's wife, CGD and a few others) refer to as The Alps. The front of the hill is a bunch of smaller steps up to the top. The back of the hills is a straight drop. It provides an excellent setting hill training. I am really working on keeping my head up, concentrating on the top of the hill. I want to stop looking down at my feet. I felt pretty good the entire time and saw about 8-10 deer while doing it.

Wednesday: 9.0
Week: 15.11
Total: 441.24

Off tomorrow.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:51 pm

How do you guys track your mileage? Do you use a smart phone app or...?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:07 pm

scannest wrote:How do you guys track your mileage? Do you use a smart phone app or...?

I use the app RunKeeper. I run with my iPhone, listen to music and use the app. RunKeeper tracks everything...route map, time, pace, elevation, calories burned etc.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:52 am

Early end to my running week. It was another good one...

SUN: 4.6
MON: 9.0
TUE: 5.2

Set out this morning at 6:30a after stashing my extra water bottle at the drop point. The weather was perfect...overcast skies, cool and crisp. My pace was slightly slower than normal on the way out...avg'ed about a 9:20 mile, but I slowed it up considerably for the final 9 miles. Mile 15/16 were just over 10 min. The strategy worked well and I was able to maintain decent energy all the way in. The final 5-6 miles were tough, but not nearly as bad as the 16-mile run two weeks ago. I didn't have any of the lightheadedness or jelly legs. In fact, I struggled more with the pain those final miles than the exhaustion. My feet, legs and forearms were throbbing. Overall, good run. I filled one of my two 10 oz. bottles with Gatorade Endurance. Wow, that stuff is intense...super salty and sweet. I didn't enjoy it initially. I could only take small sips. But, I found that I started to crave it in the later miles and wished I'd had more. My right knee was sore going into this run and I was a bit worried about it. To my surprise, it felt ok the entire run. I am now at work, sore as all hell. Looking forward to two days off before I begin Week #14.

THU: 18.0 (2:54:08)

WEEK: 37.0
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:58 am

It's not unusual for the aches and pains you experience to feel better when you are actually running. Increased blood flow to the affected area can really help it feel better. Of course, it still hurts when you're done.

I am the least disciplined runner on the planet. I was supposed to do 8 miles. Four of those miles should have been easy and four should be at my expected marathon pace. I blew my marathon pace away for the entire run. I'd love to know how fast I was running for miles 3-6. I've got to learn to be more disciplined.

Friday: 8.33
Week: 23.44
Total: 449.57

Run to the Trash Can on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday. This should be my first 40+ mile week of the season.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sat Sep 07, 2013 11:40 am

pedro wrote:I've got to learn to be more disciplined.

I said the same thing after downing a half a bag of Bugles last night :)

NotBaker!!! Report in please!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:07 am

Seriously, NB. I'm hoping that everything is going alright for you.

Yesterday I ran my Run tot the Trash Can. I ran pretty smoothly and pretty easy. It was a nice pre-half marathon tune up.

This morning a ran a half marathon and I was pushing it. I ran pretty hard the entire race. It might not be the best for my training, but I had fun. I broke my course record by about 3 minutes and just missed my half marathon PR by about 30 seconds.

It was really fun because I knew at least 7 other folks in the race and it is always fun to race with friends.

Saturday: 4.21
Sunday: 13.1
Week: 40.75
Total: 466.88

Week 13 in the books.
Week 14 (and the beginning of longer long runs) starts on Tuesday!

56 Days to NYC.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Sun Sep 08, 2013 2:18 pm

Hal wrote:NotBaker!!! Report in please!

pedro wrote:Seriously, NB. I'm hoping that everything is going alright for you.

Hello! All is well, and yes, it's been a long time since my last update.

You guys are doing great, and it's always motivational to read the updates. Hal - I'll have to check out the Cumulus 15 when I exhaust my supply of 2170s and can't find them online anymore.

Okay -- I think it's been 2-3 weeks since my last update, so here are the highlights:

-After I was afraid I might have hurt myself, I took it easy did some short distances on vacation in Mystic, CT, and I think did a slowish 13 at some point too. All was pretty good.

I've been slacking a little on my weekday shorter runs, but so far that's been OK. Hoping that I stick to my plan a bit closer from now until race day. But speaking of my plan, it's been all over the place too. I got some of my dates confused, so best I can say is that my training plan is "inspired" by the Hal Higdon Novice 2.

Last week I was in Disneyworld, so that cut down on my ability to run too. I managed to get out for 4 miles one day and an early 13 miles another. Floriduh sun/humidity was tough, but I felt pretty good. Used 50/50 water and powerade during my run along with some gels, and that worked out well.

Onto TODAY -- I haven't been watching my plan that closely, but thought I was scheduled for my 20 mile run today. This will be my longest training run, and after really having to push myself for distances of 16+, a lot of my preparation is mental. As it turns out, I got my dates confused, and my 20-miler was actually supposed to be next weekend (or the week after -- I have an extra week in there). But the run went well. I started out with a bottle of 50/50 water and gatorade, and bought some more gatorade just past my halfway mark. A combination of water and sports drink has worked out well for me on my 13+ runs. Feeling much better about my hydration plan. There are a few long hills on my return, and I'm still a little skittish about pulling a hamstring or hurting something else. I felt good the whole way, but decided to not push it and walked one long, gradual hill around mile 17. No problems going from a walk back to a jog/run, which was nice. I really had to push myself to finish, but fortunately the rest of the last 3 miles were pretty flat. I'm not sure how much more I could have gone, but I was really excited to finish the full 20. There's still going to be a mental hurdle to ensure I can finish the marathon, but I'm feeling pretty good.

With 5 weeks left, I''m thinking I'll do long runs of 12/18/12/8, with the corresponding shorter runs from my training plan, and then drop way down during the last week.

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:23 am

Good to see you NB. Nice work!

Week 14!

I had a short easy run today. Normally I Run to the Trash Can, but I decided I was bored with that course so I went over to the other trail I run regularly It was humid and you can tell it's going to get hot later.

Today: 4.16
Total: 471.04

Mile repeats tomorrow. Start by running an easy warm up mile (9 minutes). Then, the workout proper consists of a hard mile (7 minutes) followed by a recovery half mile (5 minutes). I'll do five or six of those and then the last recovery will be a full mile.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:08 pm

Thanks for checking in NB!! I was beginning to worry. Glad to hear that things are going well for you and your training.

In Hal Higdon we trust!!

OFF! day today. 5 tomorrow in bad humidity. 14 on Friday morning. Hopefully, the heat has lifted by then.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:45 am

This morning was a great reminder how amazing the weather has been the past two weeks. Holy shit was it ever humid. Just disgusting. I'm looking forward to the temps dropping back down later in the week.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:45 am

So, I was supposed to do this:
pedro wrote:Start by running an easy warm up mile (9 minutes). Then, the workout proper consists of a hard mile (7 minutes) followed by a recovery half mile (5 minutes). I'll do five or six of those and then the last recovery will be a full mile.

but because of this:
Hal wrote:Holy shit was it ever humid.

It turned into 9 miles of running a various paces with no real rhyme nor reason. Humid and sticky and gross. This might have been the worst morning of the year for running.

Today: 9.10
Week: 13.26
Total: 480.14
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:41 am

pedro wrote:This might have been the worst morning of the year for running.

Agreed. So glad I was only scheduled for 5 miles.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:46 am

Hal wrote:
pedro wrote:This might have been the worst morning of the year for running.

Agreed. So glad I was only scheduled for 5 miles.

I haven't run yet today, but I'm planning to do 5 as well. Ugh.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:24 am

Still humid, but not as bad. Maybe because I ran four instead of nine?

I know what you are all saying, Thursday is an off day. Why is he running? Well, my schedule is a little screwed up this week due to family commitments. I have a tough week. I Ran to the Trash Can today and will be doing 9 tomorrow (with 6 at MP) and 18 on Saturday. I am running a 1-mile kid's race with my daughter on Sunday. She's very excited about it which makes me excited about it.

Today: 4.21
Week: 17.47
Total: 484.35
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:00 am

pedro wrote:Well, my schedule is a little screwed up this week due to family commitments.

I've had a lot of that lately. And it just gets worse next hardest of the 18-week plan. I just made a very difficult decision to bail on my plans to see FLAG in Boston on Friday. I had been planning to do my 20-mile run on Sunday. My wife reminded me this morning that we have a Christening to attend on Sunday morning. Which leaves Saturday. There is no way I could drive back and forth to Boston on Friday evening (2.5 hrs) and expect to be ready to run 20 the next morning. Fucking blows...been looking forward to that show all summer. But, ultimately the training is more important.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:28 am

Hal wrote:But, ultimately the training is more important.

You, my friend, have earned a gold star.


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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:15 am

Out early this morning and started running in a slight rain. It was cool and felt really good. A nice change from the last couple of days. I was scheduled to run 9 with 6 at marathon pace, something like 8:30 miles. Most of my runs are on trails that have a few street crossings. This course has probably 5-6 streets crossing the trail, so out and back that is 10-12 crossings. I'm pretty sure I has to stop at all of them. It was kind of frustrating.

Overall the run was fine. Nothing special.

Today: 9.34
Week: 26.81
Total: 493.69

I'm running 18 in the morning. Scheduled to start very early and run with PMD. We will be running with headlights.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:48 am

Solid week. 28 Days!!!

SUN: 5.3
MON: 9.0
WED: 5.0

Got out to the trail late, after getting the kids off to school. I went to relieve myself in the woods at the trail head. As I walked out I stepped into a big, steaming, squishy pile of dog shit. I was so pissed. Not a good start. It was 8:45a before I got off. Temps were cool with sunny clear skies. Wet conditions from the storms that had rolled through the night before made it a bit humid early on, but not an issue. I kept up a quick pace through 10 miles...faster than I should have been going. I paid for it in the final couple of miles...I was hurting pretty good. Overall it was a good run. My right knee felt better than it had in weeks. I matched my best half marathon time to the second! (1:58:27).

FRI: 14.0 (2:07:15)

WEEK: 33.5

Heading into Peak Week #14!!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:34 pm

On the trail at 5:45 Am with PMD. It was a little cold and very dark. We had headlights going for about an hour. We ran at a great clip and we got in 18.36 miles in little under 3 hours. This is always a great weekend because, around here anyway, the big half marathon was last weekend. That means folks going long distances are training for a marathon. There were a ton of runners out there and it was good to see. Lots of fun.

One mile tomorrow with my daughter will make it 46+ for the week. Over 500 now for training.

Today: 18.36
Week: 45.17
Total: 512.05
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:47 pm

Nice work pedro! I find it so odd that you can run 18 miles with a partner. Do you guys talk to each other most of the way? I couldn't do it. I need to zone out...or zone in. I need my tunes too.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:48 am

When we arrived at the race this morning, my daughter asked me to run with her again. I told her I would. We were there early enough that she wanted to do the quarter mile race as well as the mile. I told her that's great. As she was lining up for the first race, she told me she wanted to run by herself. I said alright, I'll cheer for you at the half way point and the finish, as the course was a loop. She did great. She finished tied for first place, as she slowed up as she approached the finish line. I need to teach her the killer instinct!

For the mile race, she told me that she wanted to run by herself again. For a moment I was a little disappointed, but then I realized it was a good thing. She finished the race in about 8:35. She was very excited and is looking forward to the two miler next week.

So that means I was done yesterday.

Today: 18.36
Week: 45.17
Total: 512.05

Week 14 in the books.

49 days to NYC.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:46 pm

Nice jobs guys. Pedro - those are some great results from your daughter.

I got out later than I wanted to today, but ran my 13 miles. I felt sluggish for the first 4-5 miles, but kept with it. By the end of the run, I felt pretty good. It was a cool day, and there was less sun by the end of my run vs. at the start. I came back along the route that has some long, gradual uphill stretches and didn't hesitate to keep at them at a decent pace. My iPod ran out of battery around mile 9, so I got to enjoy "running sounds" for the rest of the way. Ran through dogshit about a half-mile from home. :x I've already done my 20, but I think next weekend will be another 18. After that, the descent until race day! KEEP IT UP!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:28 pm

Hal wrote:Nice work pedro! I find it so odd that you can run 18 miles with a partner. Do you guys talk to each other most of the way? I couldn't do it. I need to zone out...or zone in. I need my tunes too.

Yeah, I'm a chatter. There are long stretches of silence, but there is usually conversation. As stated before, I can't run with headphones. I zone out..or in...on my solo shorter runs.

NotBaker wrote:Ran through dogshit about a half-mile from home.

That's good luck! It's gross, but good luck!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:19 am

Week 15.

Well, not running at all yesterday put me in a weird spot. I hate taking two days off in a row, but I don't want to over do it. I decided that a slow Run to the Trash Can was the thing to do. This extra run should make it a 50 mile week! We'll see what happens.

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:00 am

Excellent 10-miler this morning on a cold, sunny morning.

Soooo...I usually do my long run on Friday, but I can't run my 20-miler until Saturday due to the time duration. I am scheduled for 5 tomorrow. Should I take two days off before the 20-miler?...or should I do an extra run on Thursday...maybe 3-4? What do ya think?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:34 am

Hal wrote:Soooo...I usually do my long run on Friday, but I can't run my 20-miler until Saturday due to the time duration. I am scheduled for 5 tomorrow. Should I take two days off before the 20-miler?...or should I do an extra run on Thursday...maybe 3-4? What do ya think?

I would run a slow 3 miles. Really slow. As little stress as possible. As stated just above, I'm not a big fan of multiple days off. But that is me and you are you. Soooo.....access how you feel and go from there. It's not going to kill you to take another day off. But I wouldn't!

I Ran to the Trash Can again today. I went out thinking I would go slower than yesterday, but that didn't last. I beat yesterday's time by a bout a minute. No discipline.

I am scheduled for 9 miles of Yasso's 800's tomorrow. As a watch-free runner, if I want accurate times I need to run them on my treadmill. I am also going to the eye doctor tomorrow, so if he dilates my pupils I might want to run in the dark anyway. I'm not looking forward to my Yasso's and I'm thinking, if I run outside, I will see if I can get PMD (and his watch) to do them with me.

We'll see what happens.

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:03 am

pedro wrote:I would run a slow 3 miles. Really slow. As little stress as possible. As stated just above, I'm not a big fan of multiple days off. But that is me and you are you. Soooo.....access how you feel and go from there. It's not going to kill you to take another day off. But I wouldn't!

Good advice. Thank you!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:11 am

I would plan to take 2 days off after your 20-miler, but that's just me.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:16 am

My knee was really bothering me this morning. I decided to take the day off. My body hates me this month.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:24 pm

Hal wrote:My knee was really bothering me this morning. I decided to take the day off. My body hates me this month.

Sounds good idea to follow how you feel, vs. your training plan. I ran 6 today, and for the first time in awhile, I'm on track with my short runs. Still felt a little sluggish, but I wonder if some of that is because I've been really slowing down my pace on my (very) long runs.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:59 pm

Are you guys tapering now? It seems to me you should be. You will feel better by race day.

I ran 12 today with the last 6 of them at an average of 8:10/mile. I ran the first half with PMD and PMD's wife and the second half with just PMD. I am already over 20 miles this week and I have 9 miles of Yasso's tomorrow, 7 miles on Saturday and 20 on Sunday. It's going to be a monster week.

Today: 12.17
Week: 20.59
Total: 532.64
Last edited by pedro on Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:19 am

I am officially tapering my training now, although since I already did my 20 miler, I guess I have been for awhile. My weekend is full, so that meant I had to do my long run this morning. Got up extra early and did 18 miles. What a difference the cooler weather makes. I made it through my run with 23 oz of Gatorade/water and 3 gels. Held to my pace and felt good for the whole run*. (*Well, after about mile 4. Before then, my thoughts included "what am I doing up so early?" "why am out here?" and "i should just do a shorter run.")
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:56 am

So I totally wimped out. I ran 6.12 miles with 5 Yassos. I was supposed to run 9 miles with 4 Yassos. I can blame my early quitting on the fact I was on the treadmill, but running around a track 20 times is no picnic either. The fact is I am tired. I am still on pace my scheduled miles and I threw in a extra Yasso. I'm good.

Today: 6:12
Week: 26.71
Total: 538.76

Two races tomorrow for a total of 6.97 miles. 20 om Sunday. Should be about a 53 mile week.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:00 pm

I'm nursing a sore knee today. Wearing a knee sleeve under my work pants. I've been in some pain for days now. Very worrisome. However, it felt ok on my 5-mile run yesterday. Praying that it holds up for my 20-miler tomorrow.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:15 pm

Hal wrote:I'm nursing a sore knee today. Wearing a knee sleeve under my work pants. I've been in some pain for days now. Very worrisome. However, it felt ok on my 5-mile run yesterday. Praying that it holds up for my 20-miler tomorrow.

Good luck. When I pulled my hamstring/gracilis, I got really concerned about being able to get beyond 15+. So far, so good, but now 26.2 will be the big test. After that scare, for my 13+ runs I made sure to stretch more before and after, drink something with electrolytes, pay closer attention to how I felt on uphills, and slow down considerably from my "target" half-marathon pace to what I'm considering to be my marathon pace.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:09 pm

Peak week is in my rearview mirror!

MON: 5.5
TUE: 10.4
THU: 5.3

SUPER SUCCESSFUL run this morning!!! I couldn't be more excited. I had so much anxiety going into this one due to my bum knee. Not only did my knee NOT bother me, I hardly had any pain at pains in my feet, hips or back! Which was a great indicator that the conditioning is working...thank you Hal Higdon!! It was undoubtably the best long run I've had in months. I left the house, in the dark, at 6a. It was very foggy. I had to drive 4 miles further up the trail to drop my extra fluid bottles this week. It was inconvenient, but worked out to perfection. I had a nice long stretch and then hit the trail at 6:45a. I was shocked to find that my knee was feeling fine. I had a few twinges of pain around mile 14, but it went away quickly. I maintained a nice slow pace throughout the entire run...averaged a 9:30 mile. I kept on a strict gel regiment every 45 minutes. I had carb-loaded for the past two days with a big pot of pasta. The weather was beautiful...crisp, clear, but not too cold (I had to wear gloves two days this week). It felt great to be doing my run on a Saturday where there were dozens of other runners out doing the same thing...I love the unspoken comraderie. I felt so good the entire run...plenty of energy. A perfect dress rehearsal. I am so ready for this marathon. I could have gone the 26.2 today if I'd had to. Bring on the taper!! Cheers running brothers!

SAT: 20.3 (3:11:56)

WEEK: 41.6
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