Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sat May 02, 2015 6:22 pm

I dunno, scanny. I guess I have never looked at it like that. I've never really had a target weight or anything. As you know, I did lose weight when I first started running, but it was never a set goal of mine to lose weight. I just wanted to feel better. I know when I am deep into marathon season I do eat quite a lot. It's something that many first time marathoners struggle with. How can you possible be gaining weight when you are burning so many calories? Well, let me tell you, I get hungry a lot when I'm putting in 45-60 mile weeks.

I just kind of maintain everything during the "off season". I don't really have a plan per se, but I run when I want to and I pretty much eat when I want. I think generally speaking, I do eat better now than I did 10 years ago. Whether that is because of my running or not is debatable I guess.

Sorry, I don't have a helpful answer.

Also, Philadelphia Marathon in November. Here I come! I expect to be eating like a pig in September and October!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Mon May 04, 2015 9:40 am

I appreciate the response Pedro, even if it doesn't exactly answer my question. I'll just keep weighing myself once a week and adjust my calories accordingly. I really don't need to be buying new pants every six weeks cuz I've gone down another size.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Mon May 04, 2015 9:50 am

I wish I had that problem. I have dropped close to 10-15lbs since the start of 2015, still have another 25-30 to go and the slowness of it is really disheartening.

Edit: That said, I haven't necessarily been depriving myself in the food dept, but I'm definitely paying attention to what I eat.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Mon May 04, 2015 1:17 pm

If you weigh less than you did the month before it was good month.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:05 am


I ran 10.5 miles yesterday. It was my longest run in awhile, but overall I'm feeling really good. Gearing up for a half marathon in about two weeks.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:26 am

I walked to work this morning for the first time since June. The heat/humidity had made it untenable. I had a much easier time walking in sub-freezing temperatures than 80 degrees with 80% humidity. I plan on getting back to my to/from the office pattern now that it is getting more comfortable. I probably put back on 10-15 of the 70 pounds I lost.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby lewdd » Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:03 am

I walked 16.5 miles a few weekends ago in Pittsburgh according to my phone. I gained 2 lbs that weekend. Good times!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:18 pm

NotBaker wrote:BUMP.

I ran 10.5 miles yesterday. It was my longest run in awhile, but overall I'm feeling really good. Gearing up for a half marathon in about two weeks.

Ha! Well done. I did 11 miles yesterday morning. My next half marathon is Saturday, Sept. 19. You too? I decided to run the "Gulf Beach Half Marathon" this season. It's a month earlier than the Hartford race I usually run. I'm excited to get it done before the cold temps move in.

What a shitty run yesterday. The humidity had been brutal the past few days. But, the weather guy said that it would be drying out during the next morning. I tried to get out as early as possible to capitalize on the cooler temps. I hit the bike trail at 6:30a. Unfortunately, the humidity was still in full force. By the 5th mile I was seriously overheating. Still kept a good pace, but struggled the second half of the run. Sore as hell today. 12-miler next weekend, then race day the following!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:22 pm

Hal wrote:Saturday, Sept. 19. You too?

I've gotten a decent routine going; I'm hoping to at least maintain a steady 6-miler throughout the winter, although that's easy to say before the weather changes!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:55 am

NotBaker wrote:
Hal wrote:Saturday, Sept. 19. You too?

The day after that, Sunday Sept 20. Saratoga Palio. I've run it a couple times before.

I've gotten a decent routine going; I'm hoping to at least maintain a steady 6-miler throughout the winter, although that's easy to say before the weather changes!

I say that every year :)
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:12 am

Gulf Beach Half Marathon - 2:02:40: Certainly not my best overall time, but I'm proud of this one. I overcame a lot just to reach the finish. It's been a tough season to get motivated. I think I'm losing interest in running these long races. I really didn't get serious about my training until the last month. I spent the first half of the summer stuffing my face with BBQ and fancy beer. But, I pulled it together and got all my miles in. I was feeling strong after my 12-mile run last Saturday. Sunday morning, I went out to work on my lawn. I live on a hill, so my yard is a beast to maintain. I somehow ended up spraining my foot in the process. I didn't even notice it until I got out of the shower and saw the bruise from my outer arch to the top of my foot. It swelled up a bit and I hobbled around the rest of the day. I gave it a day of rest and decided to run on Tuesday. I ran 4 miles and it felt ok. However, it swelled up again and was more painful than it had been. I began to panic. I took Wed/Thu/Fri off and tried to stay off it as much as possible. But, my job has me doing a good amount of walking. By Saturday morning it hadn't improved much. I debated pulling out of the race, but decided that I had to at least try. After a good stretch and a short jog, I was feeling a little more confident that it would be ok. The race started well. Through the first 6 miles I was on pace for a PR. I had a few 8:20 miles, which is flying for me. The foot was feeling a bit stiff and there was some pain, but I knew at that point that I would be all right. This course is all along the shoreline of the Long island Sound. Beautiful, but absolutely no cover. It was around 65 degrees at the start. BY the turnaround, it was well into the 70's and rising. Felt like an inferno. I started to get very dehydrated and there were very few water stations. By mile 10 I was falling energy...dying of thirst...foot going down hill. But, I was able to push through it. Very happy to just reach to finish.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:50 am

Wow, that's crazy Hal. Congrats on finishing the race!

The beautiful weather of late (here in NYC) has me back on my pre-summer walking pace of 8.5 - 9 miles a day Monday through Friday.
I was looking back on my last comment here where I had guessed put back on 10-15 pounds over the summer. WRONG! I put back on 25 of the 70 pounds I lost. It was a real eye opener getting back on the scale. But 2 weeks back into my regimen I'm already down 10. I know I can't keep up that pace but I should back at my prior number by Thanksgiving.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxMidgexxx » Tue Sep 22, 2015 12:15 pm

I may start up again.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:22 pm

scannest wrote:Wow, that's crazy Hal. Congrats on finishing the race!

The beautiful weather of late (here in NYC) has me back on my pre-summer walking pace of 8.5 - 9 miles a day Monday through Friday.
I was looking back on my last comment here where I had guessed put back on 10-15 pounds over the summer. WRONG! I put back on 25 of the 70 pounds I lost. It was a real eye opener getting back on the scale. But 2 weeks back into my regimen I'm already down 10. I know I can't keep up that pace but I should back at my prior number by Thanksgiving.

Thanks! Good luck with your goal.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:42 am

Nice work Hal! Sounds like you went through a lot and still had a solid finish.

I wound up having an awesome race day. I've run this half before, but this year they changed the course route. It used to start out with some decent uphill stretches, and some more later on in the course. This year it felt flat and fast all the way. There were maybe short two uphill sections toward the end, but I feel bad even calling them hills. On top of that, there was a lot of shade throughout the course, and the weather was perfect (low 60s to start, I think). I don't really plan or track my pace, and haven't done any speed training at all. At the start of my race, I stuck near another runner who I liked how he was moving. I wound up passing him around mile 5, and did the same thing for the rest of the race -- sticking close to someone who was moving at a hard but comfortable pace.

I somehow wound up finishing with an unbelievable 1:47 total time / 8:16 average pace -- a PR by a long ways. I have no idea how I manged to do that, but I think it's more the flat course and perfect weather than me. I've been taking it easy this week, but want to keep going for as long as I can until winter. I really like the 13.1 distance, and feel like that gets me in better shape than when I trained for a marathon. If I can keep it up, I might look for a Spring half -- although I've never been able to train through winter. I'm still kicking around thoughts of another marathon at some point, but really don't want to deal with the run,run,run, no time for anything else training routine.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:31 pm

Congrats NotBaker! Smokin time!! Way to go man.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:03 am

Thanks Hal!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:07 pm

Nice work guys! That is some awesome work from both of you. Happy to see you both still at it.

I'm 7 weeks out from Philadelphia. I'm doing a pretty aggressive training program, running six days a week. I've already put in 400+ miles. I have 20 scheduled for Sunday (probably in the rain) and two more 20+ runs coming up. Lots of hill running and Yasso's 800s too. I'm tired and a little worn out, but I feel like it's working. 11 weeks down, 7 to go!

I ran a half a couple of weeks ago and pr'd. I felt great the entire time and if anything, I felt like I was holding back a little.

Army 10 Miler next Sunday.

P.S.: Go for it, John.

P.P.S.: Good work scanny!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:54 am

pedro wrote:Nice work guys! That is some awesome work from both of you. Happy to see you both still at it.

I'm 7 weeks out from Philadelphia. I'm doing a pretty aggressive training program, running six days a week. I've already put in 400+ miles. I have 20 scheduled for Sunday (probably in the rain) and two more 20+ runs coming up. Lots of hill running and Yasso's 800s too. I'm tired and a little worn out, but I feel like it's working. 11 weeks down, 7 to go!

I ran a half a couple of weeks ago and pr'd. I felt great the entire time and if anything, I felt like I was holding back a little.

Army 10 Miler next Sunday.

P.S.: Go for it, John.

P.P.S.: Good work scanny!

GO PEDRO!! Nice work on the half. You give me hope that I still might be able to PR...even at age 44.

Good luck with the rest of your training! Keep us updated.

I'm done for the season. My family volunteered at the Hartford Marathon this past Saturday. The weather was perfect for the, sunny. I was a little jealous that I wasn't running. But, it felt really good to give back this year. The wife, kids and I were working in the athletes food tent, handing out bananas, bagels, cheese, etc. The kids had fun. Two of my direct reports from work were running their first marathon (both age 25). One of them finished in 3:30. Was able to see him finish. So incredible. I am tentatively planning on running the Hartford half again next year.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:04 am

Running Philly on Sunday. The high for Sunday is 45 degrees. That's alright for runners, but cold for spectators. I am just happy the chance of rain has dropped form 60% earlier this week to 0%! I just figured out that I will not be able to continue my "bring a disposable book to read while I wait for the gun" tradition. The race starts at 7:00 AM and the sun doesn't rise until 6:57 ! I guess I could get a disposable flash light?

Here we go...
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:37 pm


I've been doing decent job of keeping up the miles as we get into late Fall. I ran a 10-miler last Monday, my longest run since my half. Felt pretty good, and I'll try to do another one this week.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:28 am

pedro wrote:Running Philly on Sunday. The high for Sunday is 45 degrees. That's alright for runners, but cold for spectators. I am just happy the chance of rain has dropped form 60% earlier this week to 0%! I just figured out that I will not be able to continue my "bring a disposable book to read while I wait for the gun" tradition. The race starts at 7:00 AM and the sun doesn't rise until 6:57 ! I guess I could get a disposable flash light?

Here we go...

I hope it went well!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:31 am

scannest wrote:I hope it went well!

Well that sucked. My second worst time ever, but the "worst time" I hadn't trained properly, so I think this is my worst result.

The wind was an absolute killer. I felt like I was going to get blown off the road crossing the bridge near Drexel and the trip up the Schuylkill River was miserably cold and into a strong head wind. While the trip back down wasn't as bad, it was no picnic. I had some pains in my knees that didn't help either.

Thanks to xxxHunterxxx for the restaurant recommendation. The chocolate chip pancakes were an acceptable substitute for Oreo cookie pancakes.

Still 26.2 mile is 26.2 miles and I finished the task. I live to fight,, another day.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:38 am

pedro wrote:Still 26.2 mile is 26.2 miles and I finished the task. I live to fight,, another day.

Yay! I really just assume running a marathon is all about...just finishing. Kudos.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxHunterxxx » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:50 am

scannest wrote:
pedro wrote:Still 26.2 mile is 26.2 miles and I finished the task. I live to fight,, another day.

Yay! I really just assume running a marathon is all about...just finishing. Kudos.

Me, too. I can't even run 10 miles so I'm hugely impressed when someone runs a marathon. I'm glad the pancakes were a hit. Did you try Ralph's as well?
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:50 am

pedro wrote:
scannest wrote:I hope it went well!

Well that sucked. My second worst time ever, but the "worst time" I hadn't trained properly, so I think this is my worst result.

The wind was an absolute killer. I felt like I was going to get blown off the road crossing the bridge near Drexel and the trip up the Schuylkill River was miserably cold and into a strong head wind. While the trip back down wasn't as bad, it was no picnic. I had some pains in my knees that didn't help either.

Thanks to xxxHunterxxx for the restaurant recommendation. The chocolate chip pancakes were an acceptable substitute for Oreo cookie pancakes.

Still 26.2 mile is 26.2 miles and I finished the task. I live to fight,, another day.

Congrats on your finish!!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby norix » Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:47 pm

Since I didn't really do a lot of physical activities after high school ended (which was like 2 years and a half ago), I started running again like a month ago. I was able to run half an hour in highschool, but pickin it up slowly again. The thing is, I start getting out of breath after like 2 minutes (still in warmup phase where I take short walking breaks every ten minutes). Is this something that goes away or do you guys start dying airwise aswell after short periods of running, but just continue through the pain for 3 hours or something.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:10 pm

scannest wrote:Yay! I really just assume running a marathon is all about...just finishing. Kudos.

Thanks scanny. I appreciate it.

xxxHunterxxx wrote:Did you try Ralph's as well?

I called on Thursday and it was completely booked for Saturday. We went to some Italian place near the Convention Center. It was good.

Hal wrote:Congrats on your finish!!

Thanks Hal. I'm already looking for my next race.

norix wrote:Since I didn't really do a lot of physical activities after high school ended (which was like 2 years and a half ago), I started running again like a month ago. I was able to run half an hour in highschool, but pickin it up slowly again. The thing is, I start getting out of breath after like 2 minutes (still in warmup phase where I take short walking breaks every ten minutes). Is this something that goes away or do you guys start dying airwise aswell after short periods of running, but just continue through the pain for 3 hours or something.

It gets easier. Just take your time building up the stamina/lung capacity. Be patient. Have some reasonable goals. It might take a while at first, but once you start hitting some milestones they will start to come faster. Good luck.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:34 pm

I ran the Hartford Half Marathon again this past weekend. Tough run...very warm...65 degrees at the start...closer to 70 by finish. My only goal was to finish under 2:00:00. Squeaked under at 01:59:24. Mission accomplished. It's getting tougher every year. Training was much more painful at age 46 than it was at 40. But, still a very enjoyable season.

Any of you guys racing this fall??
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby skott.daltonic » Tue Oct 17, 2017 12:39 pm


sorry to be late to the party, but i'm a runner, too.

i stick to mostly trails and ultra marathons.

can't wait to power through this thread and see where people are at.

i'm dealing w/ a little bit of hamstring/glute/hip damage, so i've been off the streets for a month or so, but dying to get back.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Oct 17, 2017 3:51 pm

skott.daltonic wrote:hey.

sorry to be late to the party, but i'm a runner, too.

i stick to mostly trails and ultra marathons.

can't wait to power through this thread and see where people are at.

i'm dealing w/ a little bit of hamstring/glute/hip damage, so i've been off the streets for a month or so, but dying to get back.

Welcome to the Running Dogs skott! (I saw your band a few times in the mid-90's up in Boston...good stuff!) There are just a handful of us in this thread who have been supporting each other through races for the last 5-6 years. It's been a while though. Figured it was as good a time as any to resurrect it. I think you're the first ultra runner in here. But, I bet pedro is crazy enough to consider one. Hope your injury heals quickly!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:12 pm

Nice work, Hal! And welcome back, Skott. I would love to hear about your running and races. I trained for an ultra once, but I managed to pull my calf muscle the week before the race. I think the story is in this thread somewhere. Not sure though. Maybe Part I? I couldn't walk for two weeks and couldn't run for about 3-4 months. I will attempt again sometime. Maybe.

I am running the Marine Corps Marathon this Sunday, October 22. It will be my third MCM and seventh marathon. I'm not really sure what to expect as I don't feel that great right now (heavier than normal, some aches and pains that won't go away) but I have had some great races so far this summer/fall. I PR'd by 4 minutes in a half I ran 5 weeks ago and I set a course PR on that god forsaken, hellacious, hill infested, lacking shade half marathon I run every summer. I beat my previous best by 5 minutes. That was a stunner. I don't feel like I should be going for a PR, but I look at my recent results and think maybe I should? I'll probably start at a realistic PR goal and see what happens.

Hey NBaker, are you up to anything? Anyone else?
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:49 pm

Hey guys. Glad to hear you're still out there banging the pavement. Welcome Skott, nice job Hal, and good luck pedro.
I haven't done a half (or more, for that matter) in a while, but I'm still trying to get out there and have also been mixing it up with some other fitness stuff. After recently depleting my stockpile of Asics GT-2170s, I switched over to a pair of New Balance 860v7. I almost got a different pair of Asics, but the guy at the running store said that the NB had a similar post sole system as the 2170s, so I gave them a shot. I don't love them, but no complaints (or issues) so far. I have a 15K coming up in a couple of weeks that I'm looking forward to, and beyond that just trying to maintain some momentum before winter. Onward!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:22 am

skott.daltonic wrote:hey.

sorry to be late to the party, but i'm a runner, too.

i stick to mostly trails and ultra marathons.

can't wait to power through this thread and see where people are at.

i'm dealing w/ a little bit of hamstring/glute/hip damage, so i've been off the streets for a month or so, but dying to get back.

Welcome. Also - solid first post.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby skott.daltonic » Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:49 pm

good luck w/ Marine Corps! i've always wanted to do that race!
that's actually the only street race i still want to do. i've done NY and Boston and few other road marathons, but i'm all about the trails, as much as possible. the road just tears me up after a while!
plus, living in the city, i'm stuck training here and looking / avoiding all of the junk that comes with it: everyone is looking at their phone and not where they are going, bikes, dogs, cars, ice, potholes...hahaha. it's endless.

i've done a few 50 milers (4, i think) and have tried to get to 100 but got cut off timewise at 85 miles. hopefully 2018 will get me my hundo.

i love that this board is still here! i used to be a solid participant several years ago, but just kind of tried to live online less and less. i've found a much better balance for real life / virtual life, so i'm here! but i might jump off from time to time if not paying attention to reality enough.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Oct 19, 2017 3:53 pm

Good luck with your races pedro and NB! Let us know how it goes.

Taking the post-race week off. Feels pretty good to not be getting up at 5a and running in the dark and cold. I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do next week. I'm thinking about just jumping on my mountain bike for a few weeks while it's still relatively warm. Need to start getting the ski/snowboard legs ready for the riding season. I've been feeling like I need a new challenge for next summer. Considering buying a road bike in the spring and trying out some short tri-races. I don't particularly enjoy swimming, but I'm a good swimmer. Might be a nice change of pace?
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:15 pm

I'm trying to (once again) get back into it. It's amazing how quickly your endurance drops even after a couple months of slacking

I have been going to the gym and hitting the treadmill first to build endurance. Over the summer I was jogging outside and able to do 2.5 miles without stopping....pretty close to a 5k. I want to do another 5k (it's been since probably page 1 of this thread since I have, which was 2013) and I'd love to do the broadstreet run in may (10 miles) but that's a pretty lofty goal.

I want to start jogging outside again. I was going to today but rolled my ankle last night. Should be good to go for next week.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:50 pm

gregpolard wrote:I'm trying to (once again) get back into it. It's amazing how quickly your endurance drops even after a couple months of slacking

I have been going to the gym and hitting the treadmill first to build endurance. Over the summer I was jogging outside and able to do 2.5 miles without stopping....pretty close to a 5k. I want to do another 5k (it's been since probably page 1 of this thread since I have, which was 2013) and I'd love to do the broadstreet run in may (10 miles) but that's a pretty lofty goal.

I want to start jogging outside again. I was going to today but rolled my ankle last night. Should be good to go for next week.

Go for it Greg! Great time of year to get into a good routine before the cold sets in. The Broad Street run is an excellent goal. I have a few friends from work that run it every year. Straight, flat and a fun event to be a part of. Good luck!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:58 pm

Anybody running this fall?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxHunterxxx » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:39 am

pedro wrote:Anybody running this fall?

I ran 16 miles this week! (But not all at once).
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxMidgexxx » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:20 pm

xxxHunterxxx wrote:
I ran 16 miles this week! (But not all at once).

Are you still running against Ted Cruz?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:03 pm

xxxHunterxxx wrote:I ran 16 miles this week! (But not all at once).

That's great. Nice job. Are you planning for something? Or just out there running?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxHunterxxx » Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:02 pm

pedro wrote:
xxxHunterxxx wrote:I ran 16 miles this week! (But not all at once).

That's great. Nice job. Are you planning for something? Or just out there running?

Thanks. Just part of my ongoing effort to stay somewhat fit. For the last 15 years, I’ve thought I weighed 195. Turns out I actually weigh 209 so I’ve been trying to lose a few pounds.

You got any marathons coming up?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:50 pm

pedro wrote:Anybody running this fall?

Sadly, races. Injured my calf the first week of July. It's been like a plague since. Worst running injury I've ever had. I took the last two weeks of July off. When I started back up, it felt good for a couple of runs...but then the pain, definitive pain around the bottom of the calf hump. And that's how it was all August. I began my half marathon training at the end of August, but quit at the 7-miler. Too much pain. Pissed and mildly depressed for weeks afterwards.

Good news...I've resumed my mountain biking and skateboarding careers for the first time in years. Calf is feeling much better. I probably won't do much running until spring though.

Hope things are going well for you guys! If you are racing...good luck with your training!!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 pm

Sorry to hear of the injury Hal. Take your time getting back. There will be races waiting for you when you are ready.

I am not running a marathon this year. I am lacking a general motivation and just kind of tired. I did run a half last weekend. It was pouring rain the entire time. Numerous puddles that were over the ankle deep. It was a whole bunch of fun. I was slower than usual, but l expected that due to the conditions and my current less than stellar training. It was fun.

Maybe a marathon in the spring?
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxMidgexxx » Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:47 pm

1 mile today. (but on a treadmill at retro fitness)

No joke. I'm joining the team. Not training for anything. I need to lose weight.

Make room for me. And at the advice of Zero Boy Paul Mahern, I'm doing this 'semi-cleanse'. No eating between 7PM and 11AM.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:32 pm

pedro wrote:Anybody running this fall?

I'm running a half marathon in about two weeks. I've never run this race before, so I'm excited about a new course. I've been "running" when I can rather than really following a set training schedule. I've gotten up to 12-mile runs I think, so I'm pretty sure I'll finish, but am not aiming to break any records. I'm hoping to do a 12 or 13 miler this week, and then wind down. It's been a bit since my last half, so part of the appeal is to just get out and do it. I've been running enough miles and getting back into shape, and as usual, just hope to keep it going as much as I can through winter. I'd love to do a Spring half at some point, but weather and life seem to always make my running drop off at some point.

I might do a 15K later in the fall too.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:33 pm

xxxMidgexxx wrote:1 mile today. (but on a treadmill at retro fitness)

No joke. I'm joining the team. Not training for anything. I need to lose weight.

Make room for me. And at the advice of Zero Boy Paul Mahern, I'm doing this 'semi-cleanse'. No eating between 7PM and 11AM.

Welcome aboard!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:51 am

I ran my half marathon yesterday, and it was a great day for a run. It's probably been about two years since my last half, and it feels good to be back out there. The weather was perfect -- pretty cool with some sun for most of the race. I hadn't done this race before. It's a smallish half -- open roads and an out-and-back with lots of rolling hills. Fortunately, there was a turn toward the end heading to the finish. While the hills and elevation were pretty even, I didn't wasn't looking forward to doing some of the hills at the start again at the finish. I didn't really train that methodically, and I didn't do any training runs on hills at all. But I was fit enough that I knew I'd finish -- even if not in the best form. I wound up coming in around 1:57 clock time, which was good enough for me. With some more training I probably could have done a little better, but 13 miles of hills was tough! Not sure I'd do the race again, but it was fun to mix it up.

Planning to do a 3-ish recovery run later today, and then I'll take the rest of the week OFF!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:33 am

NotBaker wrote:I ran my half marathon yesterday, and it was a great day for a run. It's probably been about two years since my last half, and it feels good to be back out there. The weather was perfect -- pretty cool with some sun for most of the race. I hadn't done this race before. It's a smallish half -- open roads and an out-and-back with lots of rolling hills. Fortunately, there was a turn toward the end heading to the finish. While the hills and elevation were pretty even, I didn't wasn't looking forward to doing some of the hills at the start again at the finish. I didn't really train that methodically, and I didn't do any training runs on hills at all. But I was fit enough that I knew I'd finish -- even if not in the best form. I wound up coming in around 1:57 clock time, which was good enough for me. With some more training I probably could have done a little better, but 13 miles of hills was tough! Not sure I'd do the race again, but it was fun to mix it up.

Planning to do a 3-ish recovery run later today, and then I'll take the rest of the week OFF!

Congrats brother! Great time.
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