Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:04 am

Awesome job Pedro!! Way to go man! Congratulations!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:51 pm

Let's hear about your race Pedro!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:53 pm

Here is more than anyone will ever want to know about pedro's NYC Marathon experience.

We arrived in NYC about 1 PM on Saturday and went to our hotel at 50th and Lexington. I dropped off my stuff and headed straight to the Javitz Center for packet pickup and the expo. I walked to 42nd and Lexington to wait for the shuttle bus. There didn't appear to be anyone waiting for the bus at the corner of 42nd & Lexington so I figured I just missed one. The buses were scheduled to come every 10 minutes. Several other runners showed up pretty soon and we all chatted while waiting for the bus. Runners are pretty friendly and we have something to talk about. That subject often drives non-runners crazy, so when we get together, look out. We go on and on. After about 10 minutes a bus clearly marked "JAVITZ CTR." went flying right by us. We were befuddled. What the heck. We saw it stop at what appeared to be a red light two blocks down. We thought about running for it, but we weren't sure the driver would let us on when not at a "stop" and decided we wouldn't make it anyway. Well, we waited for the next bus.

After about 15 more minutes pass a bus is spotted. It's stopped at the light across Lexington and we all start waving at the driver. There were like 30-40 of us now. The bus driver motions that we need to go further down the block. We all start moving quickly down 42nd Street and the bus rolls past us and stops at the same light as the previous bus. We get there in plenty of time. Some of the runners are annoyed at the bus driver, because the stop is marked in the NYC Marathon Handbook clearly at the corner of 42nd and Lexington and the buses are stopping at 42nd and Vanderbilt. The bus driver basically says nothing. I'm just happy to be on the bus.

I sit next to some guy named Louie. He's from CT and a nice guy. He tells me that he is running his first marathon and had been in a serious car accident about 4 and a half years ago. He spent 3 months in the hospital recovering and feels like he will be fully recovered when he finishes the marathon. I wish him well and tell him my boring story of "I'm just kind of hooked on running." No inspirational story from me. I'm just a running schmoe.

When we get to the Javitz Center, I say goodbye to Louie and head straight in. I get my number and shirt and a little orange wristband that goes to folks who were supposed to run last year. I take it, but I'm not really sure what I'll do with it. I walk through the expo and look at everything and buy nothing. I have a superstition about buying something for a race before the race actually happens. It's bad luck. I might get a jacket off the interweb now that I have completed the race. We'll see. The shuttle ride back is without significance except for the fact the bus driver stopped exactly at 42nd and Lexington. I guess there was confusion as to where the stop was located. I walked back to the hotel.

My wife, daughter and I then walked to an Italian restaurant where I chowed down on bowl of penne with spinach and red sauce. It was good. We walked up Park Avenue back to 50th and then cut over. It was about 8 PM, so it was time to get my daughter to bed. My wife took her into the bed room and I was on the pull out couch in the front room of our suite. I tried to find the Bruins-Islanders on the TV, but the hotel did not carry whatever channel shows the Islanders. It's alright though, because the Bruins played like crap and I needed to get as much sleep as possible. None was possible. I swear there was a party on 50th St. that lasted all night. There was one male voice that did not stop talking/screaming. He was driving me crazy. I also know that I never sleep the night before races, so it might not have been all that guy's fault.

I was up at 5:00 AM. Thanks to the end of daylight savings, it felt like 6:00 AM. Oh boy. I shaved and brushed my teeth. I picked up my stuff that I had packed the night before and was out the door. I took the subway down to Bowling Green and walked to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. I arrived just as the 6:00 AM ferry was boarding. I was on the 7:15, so I had some time. I joined my first bathroom line of the morning. It's always nice when there are two lines for men; one for pee-ers, one for poop-ers. It really makes thing go smoothly. Runners are good peeps. After the first pit stop of the day, I found a piece of floor and ate my bagel and drank some OJ. I took out my book, which I had bought for a dollar at the local library used book story and settled in. The young lady next to me started asking me questions about the ferry for which I did not have the answers. She was nice and seemed extremely anxious. I think I calmed her down by letting her know it's a REALLY BIG BOAT, everyone in the room would probably fit on it right now and there were still at east 6 boats going across. It was going to be fine. She got on the next boat, whether she was supposed to or not and I never saw her again. My strategy was to wait as long as possible. It was cold out there and I wanted to be in the terminal as long as possible. When the time finally came for me to get on the 7:15 boat, I had no issues. I walked right on the boat and found a seat immediately. I spoke with a woman who had run the Cape Cod Ragnar race I ran this spring so we had much to talk about.

Right after we pulled out of the slip, I noticed a US Coast Guard boat right ext to us. On the bow of the boat was Coastie manning a mounted machine gun. There was a USCG boat on either side of the ferry, escorting us from Manhattan to SI. It appeared they actually stopped a tug that got a little close to the Ferry. It was quite a sight. This was the first clear sign of the Boston Marathon bombings. Upon arriving at the SI terminal, I was one of the last runners off the Ferry. The line for the men’s room was unbelievably long. I considered waiting in line, but decided to wait until I hit Fort Wadsworth. To my surprise, upon leaving the terminal there were at least 30 port-a-potties available for runners. The lines weren’t too bad, but man it was cold. I had extra layers of clothes on and I could still feel the wind. It looked like rain, but wasn’t raining. People were in good spirits. After taking care of pit stop number two, I headed for the shuttle buses to the start at Fort Wadsworth. The lines for the buses were long, but the buses were rolling. They were arriving and leaving in a constant flow. I doubt any of the buses were stopped for more than 5 minutes as runners loaded. It really went as smoothly as anyone could expect. The ride to the start was a little longer than I expected, about 5 minutes in, as you pass the SI Ferry terminal again, you realized all you had done was turn around. It wasn’t bad though as we reached Fort Wadsworth in plenty of time. As I was getting off the bus, I encountered Boston Marathon bombings sign number two; more police officers than I had ever seen in one place a one time. They were the security people checking anyone, and you had to be a runner, who entered Fort Wadsworth. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of uniformed officers there. Again, it went very smoothly.

Upon entering the Fort, it was a little confusing. I had been told it could be confusing and I was ready for it. The signs weren’t all that helpful, because they would say something like (bib number) 10,000 – 19,999 with an arrow. There was nothing about what to do if your number wasn’t between 10,000 – 19,999. I found a sign that pointed to the “blue corral” so I headed in that direction. Once I figured out where I should be (Blue, Wave 2, 22,000-22,999) I decided to start shredding some of my extra clothes. I sat on the ground on top of a garbage bag I brought with me. Goodbye to a sweatshirt, a hat, my old sneakers, and an old pair of socks. Volunteers were collecting the discarded clothes to donate to charity. I changed into my running shirt and running socks/shoes. I kept my sweatpants, a jacket, and some heavy gloves. I wanted to stay as warm as I could as long as I could.

My corral opened at 9:30 and I had to wait a few minutes before I could enter. Once inside, it was pretty crowded, but not too bad. There were tons of port-a-potties with literally no lines. I took my third and final pit stop, washed up and tried to think about my plan for the race. I put my garbage bag on the ground and sat down. I knew we were about 20 minutes from the start of my wave so I just tried to keep as calm as possible. I even closed my eyes for a bit. When I heard the cannon for the start of the first wave, I knew we were close. I took off my jacket, sweatpants and heavy gloves and tossed them to the side. We started walking toward the start and I downed an energy gel. It only took about 5 minutes to get to the bridge. Go time.

Some version of Ms. Staten Island sang “America the Beautiful” and we were all set. The MC yelled out “On your mark!” and the cannon shot off to start wave two. The PA was blasting “New York, New York” as we started to move to the starting line. It took over 3 minutes for me to reach the start, but I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t quite as packed as I expected. I had been warned that keeping up any kind of pace was quite difficult through the first few miles due to congestion. While it wasn’t perfect, it certainly wasn’t too bad. As I started up the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, I noticed three helicopters hovering over and next to the bridge. At first I figured they were news helicopters, but I quickly realized they were NYPD. As I reached the top of the bridge I saw to more on the other side. I would imagine that was Boston Marathon Bombings sign number three.

As I was going up the front of the bridge I noticed the nuclear orange glow of a 2013 Parks Half Marathon T-shirt in the crowd just in front of me. That is the race I ran in September here in Montgomery County, MD. As a matter of fact, that exact same shirt was sitting in my hotel room as my rejected alternate running short for the race. I made my way over to the guy in the shirt and introduced myself. He was Jim and from a town in MD where I used to live. We talked while we ran for a good bit. Nice guy who had run, both races and training, many of the same routes as I ran. We had much to talk about. He was going a little faster than I wanted to go, but not too bad. We ended up chatting for the first 16 miles of the race.

We hit Brooklyn and everything was going well. I noticed more jostling and bumping between runners than any other race I have run. It wasn't too bad once you sort of settled in. I knew to look for my wife and daughter around mile 8 and I spotted them no problem. I then cut through Brooklyn and had a eye out for scanny on Bedford Avenue. He told me there was a chance of seeing him there, but that he would be out of town the night before and might not be back in time. Well, if he was there, he blended in with the rest Brooklyn hipsters and I missed him. It was right about then when there was a little bit of drizzling rain. It was already cold and windy, so rain would have really been a bummer. Luckily, it never happened. That was the only bit of rain on the course. Queens came next and really, other than the halfway point (1:50:05) the section of Queens the race runs through isn’t all that memorable. Until you get to the Queensboro Bridge.

I was a little disappointed that we ran on the bottom deck of the bridge. I guess I had just expected to be on the top. It was a little weird running in there, sort of quiet and peaceful even though you’re running with several hundred people around you. It was here when I started to lose track of Jim. He was still in my sight when I finally found a Wave 2 pace runner that I had been looking for since I entered the corral. She, Emi, was a tiny woman with a soft voice yelling out encouragement and directions to the pack that had latched on to her. I decided I would no longer chase Jim and I’d stick with Emi. The last I saw of Jim, I was coming down the bridge and he was just hitting First Avenue. As I had been told, you could hear the crowds on First Avenue as you approached the off ramp of the bridge. It was loud and it was uplifting.

First Avenue is a long straight away. From 59th Street to the Willis Avenue Bridge to the Bronx there are basically no turns. I stuck with Emi and the pack. I felt good and strong. It was important to stay on the west side of the street as that was warmer because of the sun. There is a slight up hill on the bridge and then a gradual turn to the right and immediate turn o the left. There were two giant video screens in the Bronx and I saw myself both times. Emi was counting off the miles and when we hit 20 she said something like “If you feel like you have lots of energy, now is the time to take off!” I didn’t notice anyone take off. Truth be told I could start to feel it in my legs at this point and there was no way I’d be taking off. Getting back into Manhattan is a mental milestone. Your at about 138th street and you know you hit Central Park at about 90th Street. I was slowing down a bit but I still felt pretty good. I saw my wife, daughter, my boss and his wife just past mile 22 at 110th Street. It was great to see them. It definitely was a bit of a boost. I went a little further when I decided to get rid of my running gloves. My gloves were basically soaking wet with sweat anyway, so what was the point?

Into the park at 90th street and I was hoping to start a strong push to the finish. Instead, my legs were getting rubbery. After the mile 24 marker, I slowed down for about 200 yards. While I was technically still running, I was basically walking fast at this point. I regained my wits and strength and took off again for the finish line. I think the sight of the mile 25 marker gave me a boost. I felt pretty good again. I could still see Emi in front of me, but I wasn’t going to catch her. I exited the park on to Central Park South and I felt pretty good. It was all adrenaline taking over. The mad dash to the finish of any race is always a little crazy (“I can beat that guy!”) but it was even crazier here. The nice, supportive runners from the beginning of the race will gladly run you over at the end. Back into the park at Columbus Circle and the final 2,000 yards and it’s all out pandemonium. Get to the finish.

I made it to the finish (3:44:39). I was extremely tired and my legs were extremely wobbly. I stumbled to get my medal and then have my official finisher photo taken. I’m a little annoyed that the photographer didn’t tell me my medal had slipped under my bib. I was handed a bag with an apple, water, pretzels, Gatorade and some nuts. As many of you may know, I can’t eat right after finishing a race. I sipped on water and grabbed my finisher’s foil sheet to keep me warm. The exit chute was pain. It went on forever. I finally got out on to Central Park West and I was handed a hooded poncho that kept me warm. I struggled about another mile down to a restaurant at 59th and 9th where my wife and daughter waited to meet me. I’m lucky I had written down the name and address of the restaurant and carried it with me during the race because I couldn’t remember them as I was slowly plodding along. It took me a little less than a hour before I walked into the restaurant. My daughter came running over about to hug me until she said “You’re gross!” and turned around. I went over to the table and got a change of shirt and shoes from my wife and headed into the bathroom. As I couldn’t eat, there really was no pointing staying. We tried to hail a cab, but it was pretty pointless. We ended up walking back to the hotel. While it was painful, it was probably what I needed. I needed fresh air and to stretch out the legs. I walked about 2 and a half miles from the end of the race to the hotel. I collapsed on the couch.

I am w\very pleased with my run. I PR’d by about 3 minutes and I felt pretty good for the first 23 miles or so. My stats below show that I ran an amazingly consistent race. My fastest mile was 8:24 and my slowest was 8:35. I don’t think I have ever been that consistent. The first 19 miles were within 2 seconds of each other. That is running like a machine.

I haven’t run since the race. I am planning on doing 4 slow and easy to the trash can tomorrow. We’ll see what is next.
Last edited by pedro on Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:54 pm

What a great read. I noticed that your second half was almost spot on with your first which really impressed me. I picture people getting slower and slower and slower the race progresses.
Sorry I couldn't join my fellow hipsters in cheering you on in Billyburgh. I had a very, VERY late night with the Dickies.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:15 pm

Excellent story pedro. Thanks for sharing your experiences! After reading your challenges just getting to the race, I now realize how spoiled I've been the last two years living 15-20 minutes from the start line of my race. I watched an hour or so of the ESPN2 coverage. I was amazed at the amount of runners and the logistics of getting them all off on the course. The aerial footage of the Verranzano bridge was spectacular. Glad to hear that the security was beefed up. I know that had been comforting to me in Hartford, and the source of some anxiety leading up to the race.

Congrats again! Unbelievable finish time. Doesn't sub-3:45 qualify you for Boston? Have you run Boston?

Been out on two runs already this week. About 3.5 miles each. I might go for 5-6 on Friday if it's not too cold.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Nov 06, 2013 7:18 pm

Nice job pedro, and a great read. All of my races have been local as well. I'd consider doing a race someplace else/fun, but my biggest concern is that too much of my time away would be taken up with pre-race routine, preparation, and anxiety and I wouldn't be able to "enjoy" myself. But I guess running a new/good course is the main reward.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:32 pm

Thanks guys. While reading it again makes me cringe a little, it really does capture the weekend. I removed my stats because I managed to screw them up AND NotBaker pointed out to me that they linked to my photobuckets account. I'm not sure how I managed that one. Thanks, NB.

Hal wrote:Congrats again! Unbelievable finish time. Doesn't sub-3:45 qualify you for Boston? Have you run Boston?

I've never run Boston. 3:45 qualifies me for Boston if I was female or 60 years old. I need to shave 20 minutes off my time. I'm not sure that will ever happen. In five years I get 5 more minutes.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:52 am

pedro wrote:if I was female or 60 years old.

And all this time I was thinking you were....oh, nevermind.

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:00 am

Happy Friday running dudes! Hope all is well with you.

I've been keeping up a pretty decent running schedule the past few weeks. I've gotten in 3-4 outdoor runs each week, despite the frigid morning temps. Most runs are in the 3-4 mile range. I ran 6.2 last Friday and 5.3 today. I should be in fine shape for my Thanksgiving Day race. I'm hoping I can stay this motivated through the winter. There's a half marathon in late March that I would like to run. I've gained back 10 lbs already (on purpose) since my marathon day. Hoping to keep myself under 185. That will give me a better start in the spring training than previous years.

How ya feeling pedro? Running again yet?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:43 pm


The colder weather (and post-marathon times, in general), have cut down my miles, but I've still managed to get out there. I've been doing some traveling, so I've gotten to run in Atlanta (through Piedmont Park and some other places), and NYC (around the Central Park Reservoir and other places). I ran a 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. My entire family was going to do it, but it was still pretty cold, so they decided to bail. I don't have any races on the horizon right now, and I'm trying to find a good balance between low/mid-mileage and the gym.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:51 pm

I have been offered a free bib for the DC Rock & Roll Marathon this weekend. I'm definitely taking the bib, but I am not sure if I'll opt for the full or half. I'm not exactly trained up for a full marathon, but I had been planning on running a marathon about a month ago that was canceled due to snow, so I'm not in horrible shape. I don't have to make up my mind until 13.1 on Saturday, so we'll see.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:13 am

Good luck! My wife will be running the RnR DC half with some friends. I'll probably run at least one half race later in the year (and hopefully a handful of 13+ long runs), but I don't want anything to do with a long early Spring race. Regimented long distance running either indoors or in the snow/below freezing are both unappealing.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby obik » Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:54 pm

pedro wrote:I have been offered a free bib for the DC Rock & Roll Marathon this weekend. I'm definitely taking the bib, but I am not sure if I'll opt for the full or half.

Wise move. It'll stop you slopping crud all over you while you eat.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:08 pm

Right around mile 19 it struck me that I should have run the half. This marathon will forever be known as "Walking the Hills of Anacostia". Not a complete disaster, but it just goes to show that training really does matter!

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby obik » Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:50 pm

pedro wrote:Not a complete disaster,

You're too modest, really.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:47 pm

Who's racing this fall?
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:16 am

Bump. I ran my half marathon on Sunday. It was a great day, I ran hard, and just missed my time goal, coming in at just over 2 hours. Of course, since I hadn't been training that seriously, my goal was somewhat unrealistic. The last time I ran this race (2 years ago), I had to duck into a Hilton to shit this time around mile 4; I was all good this time, so there's that. Not much else scheduled for the Fall except trying to keep getting out there and probably a Turkey Trot. I really like the 13.1 distance, and if I can keep training over the winter I might aim for a new/scenic half next year.

Good luck on your half, Hal!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:22 pm

NotBaker wrote:Bump. I ran my half marathon on Sunday. It was a great day, I ran hard, and just missed my time goal, coming in at just over 2 hours. Of course, since I hadn't been training that seriously, my goal was somewhat unrealistic. The last time I ran this race (2 years ago), I had to duck into a Hilton to shit this time around mile 4; I was all good this time, so there's that. Not much else scheduled for the Fall except trying to keep getting out there and probably a Turkey Trot. I really like the 13.1 distance, and if I can keep training over the winter I might aim for a new/scenic half next year.

Good luck on your half, Hal!

Killer! Nice job. I thought I was the only one racing this season.

I've ramped up my training the last 3-4 weeks. I'm feeling really good. I've dropped about 5 lbs and will likely drop another 5 before race day. Picked up some new shoes a couple weeks back...Brooks, Ghost 7's...most stable shoe I've ever run in. I have an 11-mile run scheduled for Friday. Getting excited for my race on Oct. 11!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:56 pm

Hal wrote:Brooks, Ghost 7's

I'll have to remember these and might try them out. I have a couple more pairs of Asics GT 2170s that I stockpiled when I found out they were discontinued, but I'm going to need to find an alternate shoe eventually.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:36 pm

NotBaker wrote:
Hal wrote:Brooks, Ghost 7's

I'll have to remember these and might try them out. I have a couple more pairs of Asics GT 2170s that I stockpiled when I found out they were discontinued, but I'm going to need to find an alternate shoe eventually.

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:55 pm

NU Hartford Half Marathon...PR the cold rain. Super stoked!
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:47 am

Hal wrote:NU Hartford Half Marathon...PR the cold rain. Super stoked!

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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:46 am

NotBaker wrote:
Hal wrote:NU Hartford Half Marathon...PR the cold rain. Super stoked!


Thank you. As expected, I have a full blown cough and cold now. It was worth it though.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:19 am

Nice job to both of you! Glad to see you both are out there and keeping this thread going.

I am not running a marathon this fall. Instead, I am running a 50K (a bit more than 31 miles) on November 8th. I'm kind of nervous about it, but I'm also excited about it. I'm running with two experienced "ultra-marathoners" so I have that going for me. They are both convinced that since I am faster than they are, even over 50K, they won't be of much help. There are counting on me cheering them on at the finish. We'll see. It's a trail race with a bunch of hills. It should be quite a test for me.

I ran my sixth Army Ten-Miler last Sunday with a time of 1:10:46. That's a 7:04/mile pace. It was also 3:14 better than my previous best. I was very excited about it. I am counting on a slower pace for the 50K.

Keep it up guys! Well, get over your cold first!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby obik » Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:25 am



If I were wearing panties right now, I'd throw them at you.
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Re: Official 2013 Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:52 pm

pedro wrote: I am running a 50K (a bit more than 31 miles) on November 8th.

Holy shit. That is no joke. Best of luck to you! And great to hear from you guys again. Are either of you going to the Soulside shows in DC? I'll be there on Saturday.

My annual 'week of decadence' continues. I kicked it off with a package of Double Stuff Oreos earlier this week. My daughter baked me a tray of Rice Crispies treats that I have eaten about half of. I had a bag of Swedish Fish and a package of Strawberry Pop Tarts at work the other day. And I've had at least one tasty craft beer every night this week. Two more glorious days of unhealthy eating and drinking...then back to the pavement I go.

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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:38 am

So my 50K didn't happen. I was dumb enough to participate in my daughter's parents-kids soccer game the week before the race and during the game I pulled my calf muscle. I have been limping around, and taking copious amounts of pain killers, ever since. No running for at least another week and I start physical therapy on Monday.

I'll be back.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby Hal » Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:57 pm

pedro wrote:So my 50K didn't happen. I was dumb enough to participate in my daughter's parents-kids soccer game the week before the race and during the game I pulled my calf muscle. I have been limping around, and taking copious amounts of pain killers, ever since. No running for at least another week and I start physical therapy on Monday.

I'll be back.

Ugh! Sorry to hear. That has got to be disappointing. I can't even imagine what your training program has been like. Well, good luck with your recovery. Hoping it heals quickly!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:08 am

I'm gonna hijack this thread (briefly) to discuss my walking odyssey.
I've been a fat dude most of my life. At the end of this summer it was really starting to get me down. I was having gout attacks with increasing regularity and experiencing bad indigestion/acid reflux for the first time in my life. When I started getting winded while I was singing I thought, enough is enough. I started being really smart about what I ate/how much I ate. But most importantly I started walking everywhere. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I live in Manhattan and started walking to the movies, to see bands, to go shopping. Eventually I started getting off the subway a few stops early and walking home from work. Now I actually walk to/from my office every day. In 3 months of doing this I am down 35 pounds and feel great. Here are the stats:
12 weeks
Total number of miles walked = 474.75
Average miles walked per week = 39.56
Average miles walked per day = 5.72

We're starting on miserable weather season, but I hope to be able to stay out the gym and on the streets as long as possible. Ideally I'd like to lose another 35, but 10 at a time at this point is my goal. Wish me luck.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:24 am

scannest wrote:I'm gonna hijack this thread (briefly) to discuss my walking odyssey.
I've been a fat dude most of my life. At the end of this summer it was really starting to get me down. I was having gout attacks with increasing regularity and experiencing bad indigestion/acid reflux for the first time in my life. When I started getting winded while I was singing I thought, enough is enough. I started being really smart about what I ate/how much I ate. But most importantly I started walking everywhere. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I live in Manhattan and started walking to the movies, to see bands, to go shopping. Eventually I started getting off the subway a few stops early and walking home from work. Now I actually walk to/from my office every day. In 3 months of doing this I am down 35 pounds and feel great. Here are the stats:
12 weeks
Total number of miles walked = 474.75
Average miles walked per week = 39.56
Average miles walked per day = 5.72

We're starting on miserable weather season, but I hope to be able to stay out the gym and on the streets as long as possible. Ideally I'd like to lose another 35, but 10 at a time at this point is my goal. Wish me luck.

Sal, this is inspiring. As those who have seen me in real life/social media know...last summer (2013) I was doing really well health wise. We did the Color Run and we were walking/exercising every day, eating right, etc. I was down to 190lb which is the lowest I've been my entire adult life. Then in October of that year my father in law died, so stress weight came on mixed with holiday weight and I was up to around 200 by January. Started to get back on track and then in May my mom died, so more stress weight/depression hit. Next thing I know I'm 220-225lbs. It sucks. I hate myself for it. Not to be all livejournal-y here but I totally get where you're coming from when you said it relaly got you down. Joining the band too kinda gave me a reason to get my shit in order, so I'm trying really hard not to eat like an asshole and also to move more. Baby steps. 35lbs in 3 months is fucking great. High five!

edit: adding, this is a big step for me to even say my weight out loud, let alone place it on the internet so please only make fun of me behind my back.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby NotBaker » Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:53 am

Hey Sal - that's awesome. 35 pounds in 3 months shows some serious dedication.

I've been there too, and it's a constant back-and-forth. If I'm running more, I'm usually more inclined to eat better and am burning enough calories that some extra beer and junk food aren't terrible. I was probably my most fit ~10 months after I started running, right around the time of my first half marathon. But since then, with a marathon and some other races thrown in there, my weight has been up and down a lot. I'm kind of in the middle right now; I could loose a few pounds but I've been trying to keep running. Winter sucks, but I'm trying to keep a decent gym/treadmill routine.

Obligatory running update: I ran a 5K Turkey Trot; I ran slower that I'd have liked to, but I'll attribute that to a really crowded start - first mile. And I did 5 miles on a treadmill yesterday. Just gotta keep getting out there.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:46 am

Thanks, guys. I've spent most of my adult life somewhere between 220-235 pounds. At 5'9" that's a lot of extra weight. I'm currently 199 and would like to hit the 160's before going into maintenance mode. But like I said, 10 pounds at a time right now is all I can ask for.
Greg, I know how it is - I got down to 185 about 4 years ago and then put it all back on. Getting started is easily the hardest part. Once that ball starts rolling down hill it picks up speed pretty quickly. Just try and remember how good 190 felt.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:01 pm

Congrats scanny. That's great work on your part. Keep it up. I love that you are tracking your miles. You, and everybody else who cares too, are more than welcome to be walkers participating in this thread. Walkers are runners too. Plenty of people walk the New York Marathon!

I'm sorry for your losses greg. I apologize if you had mentioned them before and I missed it. You are right that it all starts with baby steps, so talking about it is the first step. You are on your way to getting back on track. Go for it.

I'm not sure I have told my story here before or not, but on Thanksgiving day 2005 I weighed about 230 lbs. I started running and I gave up soda. At first I struggled to run two miles with out stopping. The day I ran 3 miles in 27 minutes was monumental. In 2007, I was running 25 miles a week, but I needed to be talked into running a 10K. I ran my first half in 2008 and my first full in 2009. The day I ran that first marathon, 3 years and 11 months after that Thanksgiving I mentioned, I weighed in at 182 lbs. Not that you need to run marathons. I was bitten by the running bug and, like most things I like, I became obsessed with the idea. You don't need to be obsessed to feel better and, really, that's what it's all about.

My update from my last injury post is as follows: This has been a harder comeback than I was expecting. I "ran" for the first time last Friday. I walked for 10 minutes on the treadmill and then ran 1 mile. I finished by walking for an additional 10 minutes. My calf was a little sore when I was done, but nothing too bad. I did the same work out on Sunday and afterwards felt better than I had on Friday. I jump up to 2 miles tomorrow. I have also become a stretcher, as my physical therapist has set out a bunch of stretches and exercises to help me recover from my injuries and strength my legs, hips and torso. I'm going to miss another race, a half marathon I was hoping to run in mid-December. My next goal, which I think is realistic, is my traditional New Years Day 4 miler. I will be very disappointed if I can't make that one.

Good luck to all.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:46 am

pedro wrote:Congrats scanny. That's great work on your part. Keep it up. I love that you are tracking your miles. You, and everybody else who cares too, are more than welcome to be walkers participating in this thread. Walkers are runners too. Plenty of people walk the New York Marathon!

I'm sorry for your losses greg. I apologize if you had mentioned them before and I missed it. You are right that it all starts with baby steps, so talking about it is the first step. You are on your way to getting back on track. Go for it.

I'm not sure I have told my story here before or not, but on Thanksgiving day 2005 I weighed about 230 lbs. I started running and I gave up soda. At first I struggled to run two miles with out stopping. The day I ran 3 miles in 27 minutes was monumental. In 2007, I was running 25 miles a week, but I needed to be talked into running a 10K. I ran my first half in 2008 and my first full in 2009. The day I ran that first marathon, 3 years and 11 months after that Thanksgiving I mentioned, I weighed in at 182 lbs. Not that you need to run marathons. I was bitten by the running bug and, like most things I like, I became obsessed with the idea. You don't need to be obsessed to feel better and, really, that's what it's all about.

My update from my last injury post is as follows: This has been a harder comeback than I was expecting. I "ran" for the first time last Friday. I walked for 10 minutes on the treadmill and then ran 1 mile. I finished by walking for an additional 10 minutes. My calf was a little sore when I was done, but nothing too bad. I did the same work out on Sunday and afterwards felt better than I had on Friday. I jump up to 2 miles tomorrow. I have also become a stretcher, as my physical therapist has set out a bunch of stretches and exercises to help me recover from my injuries and strength my legs, hips and torso. I'm going to miss another race, a half marathon I was hoping to run in mid-December. My next goal, which I think is realistic, is my traditional New Years Day 4 miler. I will be very disappointed if I can't make that one.

Thanks pedro. I really appreciate it. This year has been rough but it's looking up for sure. I just know that both my father in law and my mother wouldn't want to see my sulking around getting unhealthy so I try to think of that in the back of my mind. My main struggle is with food and overeating, because once I start eating right...the energy comes back and then I WANT to get up and move around, walk, jog, whatever.

Good luck to you w/ your goal too, you got this!

Good luck to all.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Sun Feb 01, 2015 7:03 pm


After my last post, I started to do ok but then with the holidays, I ended up not doing much.....

After months of talking about it w/ my wife, we both went vegan on 1/1/15 (she actually started a few days before me). Anyone who follows me on social media I'm sure has seen (been annoyed at) the abundance of food pics. We've had a few "junk" meals here and there as treats, but for the most part for the last 30 days we've eaten better than we have in a long time. And I feel great to boot. I decided not to focus SO MUCH on the weight as a #, and instead weigh myself 1x a month, on the first of the month, and just continue to do the right thing. I also started taking long walks at night after work, ideally a couple times a week though with the weather it's been tough. I downloaded an app for iPhone that tracks things and I'll usually walk close to 4.5 miles in a stretch and burn between 600-700 calories. Not bad. So....for accountability I will post everything here and it will motivate me to keep going.

1/1/15 weight - 228.6
2/1/15 weight - 219.0
scannest wrote:It's like a filmmaker saying "Spielberg is my idol. Every time I get behind the camera I think about how I can make my film as good as Hook"
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby lewdd » Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:32 pm

I'm going to be working from home when I move to PA this Spring/Summer. I think I will start to walk around the neighborhood then so that I can start to get some exercise. You guys are all skinny compared to me. I think I have averaged adding about 3lbs per year since college.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:44 am

Congrats, Greg. 10 pounds in a month is great - so is walking 4.5 miles at a time.
Lewdd, I know you pride yourself on...well, not giving a shit about such things. But seriously, you can do it and still eat BBQ and drink beer. It's all about balancing things out.
Since I last posted here I've continued walking both to and from the office every day, plus around 2 miles at lunch. I'm doing between 8 and 9 miles daily on weekdays, and maybe 5 a day on weekends. Weight loss slowed down between the holidays and a long weekend with friends in the Poconos, but as of last week I'm down to 182.4. Another 15 and I'll be ready to scale back, but truthfully - I don't miss the subway AT ALL.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxHunterxxx » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:56 am

On a semi-related note, I've started trying to maintain a healthier diet. As of 1/1/15, I no longer eat Frosted Flakes with half-and-half and/or heavy cream for breakfast every morning. Now I eat All Bran buds with two percent milk. I've also stopped eating dessert. My abs are starting to reappear.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:56 am

scannest wrote:Congrats, Greg. 10 pounds in a month is great - so is walking 4.5 miles at a time.
Lewdd, I know you pride yourself on...well, not giving a shit about such things. But seriously, you can do it and still eat BBQ and drink beer. It's all about balancing things out.
Since I last posted here I've continued walking both to and from the office every day, plus around 2 miles at lunch. I'm doing between 8 and 9 miles daily on weekdays, and maybe 5 a day on weekends. Weight loss slowed down between the holidays and a long weekend with friends in the Poconos, but as of last week I'm down to 182.4. Another 15 and I'll be ready to scale back, but truthfully - I don't miss the subway AT ALL.

Thanks and congrats to you too!

At the rate you're going you'll be at your goal before this snow melts!
scannest wrote:It's like a filmmaker saying "Spielberg is my idol. Every time I get behind the camera I think about how I can make my film as good as Hook"
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:07 am

Congrats to all you guys. Nice work and keep it up!
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:53 am

Yesterday I crossed the 1,000 miles walked threshold so I thought I'd share some stats:

Days Tracked = 158
Miles Walked = 1,005
Average Miles per Day = 6.36 miles
Most Miles in a Day = 11.90
Weight Lost = 59 pounds (235 to 176)

I go on vacation for a week starting tomorrow. That means food is going to be more of an issue (you don't go to the land of In-N-Out Burger and not indulge), but hopefully I'll find some time to spend walking in the canyons.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby xxxHunterxxx » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:58 am

scannest wrote:Yesterday I crossed the 1,000 miles walked threshold so I thought I'd share some stats:

Days Tracked = 158
Miles Walked = 1,005
Average Miles per Day = 6.36 miles
Most Miles in a Day = 11.90
Weight Lost = 59 pounds (235 to 176)

I go on vacation for a week starting tomorrow. That means food is going to be more of an issue (you don't go to the land of In-N-Out Burger and not indulge), but hopefully I'll find some time to spend walking in the canyons.

Don't waste calories at In-N-Out. Go to Umami Burger.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:12 am

scannest wrote:Yesterday I crossed the 1,000 miles walked threshold so I thought I'd share some stats:

Days Tracked = 158
Miles Walked = 1,005
Average Miles per Day = 6.36 miles
Most Miles in a Day = 11.90
Weight Lost = 59 pounds (235 to 176)

I go on vacation for a week starting tomorrow. That means food is going to be more of an issue (you don't go to the land of In-N-Out Burger and not indulge), but hopefully I'll find some time to spend walking in the canyons.

Sal, that's awesome. I'm not kidding when I say you've inspired me. I saw the FB pic. This month (Feb) I'm not sure I'll do as well as I did in eating has been sporadic due to work hours. But I'll make it work.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:13 am

xxxHunterxxx wrote:Don't waste calories at In-N-Out. Go to Umami Burger.

I can do Umami right here in NYC. I can't do In-N-Out, however. Or Pink's. Or Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:15 am

gregpolard wrote:...I'll make it work.

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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:49 am

scannest wrote:
gregpolard wrote:...I'll make it work.

scannest wrote:It's like a filmmaker saying "Spielberg is my idol. Every time I get behind the camera I think about how I can make my film as good as Hook"
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby JGJR » Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:43 am

scannest wrote:
xxxHunterxxx wrote:Don't waste calories at In-N-Out. Go to Umami Burger.

I can do Umami right here in NYC. I can't do In-N-Out, however. Or Pink's. Or Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.

Not that I'm trying to discourage you from your weight-loss goals (saw the FB pic; you look great), but if you get a chance, try this place (if you'll be in or near west LA).

It doesn't ever get the love that say, Umami or In-N-Out or Roscoe's or Phillipe's gets, but trust me, it is awesome (or at least it was when we ate there in 2006).
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby pedro » Fri Feb 13, 2015 12:20 pm

You all are free to start your own hamburger thread if you'd like. The internet is big. One more thread isn't going to put it over the edge or anything.
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby scannest » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:21 am

Today has been a weird day. I got on the scale and I have hit my weight goal - the pie-in-the-sky, if you ever get here you can really go into 'maintenance mode' goal. I thought I would be elated, but instead I felt kinda panicked, like "what the hell am I supposed to do now?" I've been averaging 52 miles a week (walking) since 1/1. I did that through the most miserable weather. Now it is beautiful out and I want to walk even more. So my question for the runners is this - obviously many of you are running for the pleasure of running and not to lose weight. What do you do to keep from getting smaller? Do you eat a LOT of calories to counter what you are burning? After 8 months certain behaviors have become habits - I couldn't even stop at the doughnut place on the way to work even though I told myself that would be my first treat when I hit my number. But even that felt strange.
Anyway, yeah I know - humble brag, first world problems, etc. But seriously, any advice from those in 'maintenance mode'?
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Re: Official Daghouse Running Dogs Thread - PART TWO

Postby gregpolard » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:50 am

scannest wrote:Today has been a weird day. I got on the scale and I have hit my weight goal - the pie-in-the-sky, if you ever get here you can really go into 'maintenance mode' goal. I thought I would be elated, but instead I felt kinda panicked, like "what the hell am I supposed to do now?" I've been averaging 52 miles a week (walking) since 1/1. I did that through the most miserable weather. Now it is beautiful out and I want to walk even more. So my question for the runners is this - obviously many of you are running for the pleasure of running and not to lose weight. What do you do to keep from getting smaller? Do you eat a LOT of calories to counter what you are burning? After 8 months certain behaviors have become habits - I couldn't even stop at the doughnut place on the way to work even though I told myself that would be my first treat when I hit my number. But even that felt strange.
Anyway, yeah I know - humble brag, first world problems, etc. But seriously, any advice from those in 'maintenance mode'?

Congrats man! I'm slowly getting there as well. I'll weigh in again on Friday since it's May 1. I did great the first month and then maintained for the others. But my clothes are fitting better so that's a plus.

I'm curious to see the answer to your question as well, tbh!
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