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Wellington Ladies Welfare League

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:18 pm
by Janelle
I wrote it one time so I'll have to write again, even though I signed in (what is with that?!)

What I tried to write before and now it won't be so eloquent, was about Peter Jackson's first nutty horror/comedy movies! They were nuts! So gory and funny. Come on, I just wrote a good thing but I had to sign in again for the third time so this is not what I wanted.

Anyway, Peter Jackson's earlier nutty stuff DEAD ALIVE! was so much better than his "academy award" winning crappos. Really you grown men are into that? oops Janelle's on the shit list once again. Come on, then trying to redo King Kong... Ay why do they try to remake like classics?!!!!!

Re: Wellington Ladies Welfare League

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:19 pm
by Janelle
Oh but I got carried away, first I thought of this because NZ had a bad earthquake last week...