Crazy Random Junk Email I Got At Work

Crazy Random Junk Email I Got At Work

Postby FlexMyHead » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:43 am

Usually I skip over obvious junk mail, even more so when it appears to be religious in nature but I decided to read this one and it's pretty awesome. Besides the normal Jebus shit, there is a part about the President of Our Nation working with Reptile Humans, a whole Ebola plot, tainted meat, blood running from faucets in China and just other random bits of insanity. Odd thing is that there wasn't a link or anything attached to the email and that it was sent to every employee in the school district in which I'm employed.

I wonder if it's the lyrics to the next unreleased Cro-Mags record?!?
The Spread of the Ebola Plague: A Great Dying!

After I prayed today with a friend, our Blessed Saviour gave me several visions relative to the ebola plague, its spread in this nation and also its spread in some other nations.

I saw in that vision an angel, who poured out a large vial of a dark substance upon this nation, near the middle of the nation. Soon after the angel poured out this vial upon this nation, which I understood to be one of the plagues from the Book of Revelation, I saw dark tributaries began to form and these tributaries began to enlarge and to flow outward across this nation. These dark tributaries grew quickly until they began to spread out and become diffuse, fanning out their presence until a deep red mass began to cover this nation from north to south and from east to west. It seemed that the whole nation was covered in blood and I knew that I was seeing the rapid advancement of this ebola virus in this nation! Then, I heard our Saviour say, “Because you have loved the shedding of innocent blood!” (How many slaughtered babies in this nation? Perhaps as many as 100 million?)

After seeing this nation, which seemed to be covered in blood, I saw piles of dead people. The dead seemed to pile up so quickly! In great heaps, they were piled up! Then, I saw workers, who took the dead, who were stashed in plastic bags, and they began to toss the heaps of dead bodies into open box cars and onto long flat-bed trucks. Thereafter, I saw them unload masses of these dead bodies and throw them into empty houses and set afire those houses, which were stacked with dead bodies and they burned the bodies and the houses together! Then, I saw these workers take more bodies and throw them into square pits, which had concrete bottoms and concrete sides, but were otherwise open pits and on top of the bodies, they poured accelerants and set afire these bodies and burned them in this way.

After I received the above part of this vision, I then was taken into an underground base and there I saw the President of this nation. Along with him were a small group of people, though I cannot be certain that they were all humans; and I say this because of the high-reptile hybrids, who look like humans. However, they are not human, but can be up to 99% reptilian and they are very great enemies of all people.

I watched them there and I knew that they were in the midst of a plot, a very great plot, indeed; and that plot was to determine how to spread this virus among the people in this nation at a more alarming rate. I saw what they plotted, at least some of it, and firstly I saw that they were planning to put this virus into packaged meat in some of the grocery stores. Then, I saw that they were plotting to put some of this virus into open reservoirs of drinking water. Then, I saw that they were plotting to release terrorists into shopping centers, who would run quickly from one to another shopper and inject certain of these unsuspecting shoppers with the ebola virus, and thereafter flee!

I was deeply disturbed by what I was seeing, but I also knew that I was being shown only part of their terrible schemes! For many years, our Blessed God has shown me the plans of the enemy and upon knowing the schemes of the enemy, a few of us would pray and we would then see our Saviour intervene to stop their schemes. Yet, sadly, Dear Ones, I believe that we are now reaching a point-of-no-return, not only in this nation, but around the world!

Then, this vision carried me away from this nation and into China and there in China I saw someone turn on a faucet and from this faucet ran blood, a great stream of blood and blood began to run out all over China. I knew from this vision that that blood represented the ebola virus and this was our Saviour’s wrath against China because of the killing of the unborn! Then, I heard, “One third died from this plague in China!”

Then, in another part of this vision, I was led to Europe and I witnessed a deep, black cloud as it descended and covered Europe and I strained to see what was hidden beneath this dark cloud; for a great darkness covered all of Europe! But, after some peeping into the darkness for a little while, I began to see there, hidden beneath the grossly dark clouds, great numbers of white crosses, yes great numbers of people buried in massive numbers of graves. As far as I could see, even for great distances, nothing but graves. And, as I looked at the massive numbers of graves, I began to have a terrible discerning in my spirit, a terrible feel that in certain of those nations, most of the people were dead!

And, then my eyes moved downwards to Africa and a red covering went across Africa and covered most of Africa. And, I knew that many in mostl of the continent of Africa would experience this terrible, hemorrhagic disease! As I was seeing this last vision, I began to hear our Saviour’s words; and they are as follows!

Message from Jesus, our Blessed Saviour

“No more,” says the Lord, our God! “No more will I mercifully withhold My judgements regarding your wicked ways! You are a wicked house, oh My house, and all over this nation, you parade your wickedness! I will no longer strive with you, oh America; for you have perverted My word! You have rebelled against Me and I am against you, oh America!

From nation to nation, I will look; and I will rise up now to judge in righteousness; for evil threatens to devour the whole world! And, as you have loved evil all over the world and as you despise truth, I will cause you to fall and to serve evil and to fall to every lie; for you love a lie! And, I will hide Myself from those, who love evil, but the righteous I will keep, even in the midst of terrible wars! Yet, My Tried and True I will take and they will be with Me; for as I am plucking up, I am also reaping!

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth; for Satan and all of his wicked hordes are being cast down and you, oh My people, they hate with a perfect hate!

Therefore, you will either repent, and turn to Me with your whole hearts, or you will perish in your iniquities!

Woe to those, who take the mark of the beast! For, that mark is the end of the line for your souls!

I am a Righteous God and I am going to have a holy and righteous kingdom! Blessed is the One, who seeks firstly the kingdom of God, that righteousness may be added unto you! For, sustained righteousness in you, oh My Blessed and Faithful Ones, is your eternal freedom!

I am Jesus!

As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 11th day of October, 2014.

This is where we are, Dear Souls, at that time of dividing, that time of sifting. Go into your prayer closets! Watch, and pray always! For, surely some will be counted worthy to escape all these things!

Jesus bless you, Dear Ones! I love you very much!
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Re: Crazy Random Junk Email I Got At Work

Postby yourenotevil » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:50 am

i see clash is getting into the spam business now
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